This is the first post in our new Field Trips column. One Friday each month, the New York-based Atlas Team will take a field trip to explore their city together, and then share their findings with the world.

At just about a month old, The Museum of Mathematics (MoMath) is a brand spanking new museum, which none of the math-loving (or not-so-math-loving) Atlas team members had yet explored. It was the perfect location for our first Friday Field Trip.


The Atlas Team prepares to enter into a world of maths


Atlas Co-founder, Dylan, tries out the square bike


Our intern, Oliver, studies holographic etched shapes up close


Contributor Laetitia and Oliver turning colorful knobs


Contributor Jessica tries to make sense of an exhibit, which turned out to be broken.


Laetitia and Oliver as seasonal trees with their own bodies as branches.


NY Events Coordinator Sofia and Laetitia play with shapes and lasers.


 Atlas Designer Michelle takes a spin on the square bike, not realizing she is on the child-sized one.


Sofia and Dylan, pontificating.


Dylan makes some shapes.


Laetitia, Sofia, and Dylan on the “Math Square” light-up floor, which connects each person via the shortest distance possible.


Oliver and Sofia play the “Harmony of the Spheres,” a Sci-Fi musical instrument if ever there was one.


Jessica painting digital kaleidoscopes (she and Michelle continued obsessively making these for most of our visit).


Dylan and Sofia make new patterns by overlaying patterned discs.



The Team closed out the museum, and had to be asked to leave by tired Math Museum employees, thus concluding a successful first field trip.