Culver Battery – Isle of Wight, England - Atlas Obscura

Culver Battery

The now-quiet remains of coastal artillery defenses that were used in both World Wars. 


The southern coast of Britain has long been stocked with a wide array of military defenses, in response to the various nations that have threatened invasion from across the channel. This pair of abandoned coastal defense guns is one of them. 

Set in the gorgeous Culver Down, these now-abandoned sites were finished in 1906. They were put to use when the First World War broke out, as they were well-positioned to defend the torpedo boats anchored nearby. At that point, the batteries had an extensive underground portion with kitchens and toilets. After World War I ended, Culver Battery served as a site for the testing of new military equipment. 

The batteries again saw use in the Second World War, this time protecting nearby docks. After 1942, a German invasion seemed increasingly unlikely and the battery was stood down. Fourteen years later, the site was officially decommissioned, the underground portion filled up with dirt, and the guns taken away. 

Today, the batteries now serve as a beautiful abandoned spot in their own right; a reminder of Britain’s military past and a vantage point to get glorious views over the nearby town of Sandown

Know Before You Go

There is parking nearby, as well as small refreshment stand along with a larger pub up on the same hill about a minute's walk away. 

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February 28, 2020

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