Giardini del Belvedere – Piazza, Italy - Atlas Obscura

Giardini del Belvedere

Piazza, Italy

Inside this park resides a giant clock tower and ancient sundial that overlook the town below.  

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In the gorgeous town of Mondovì, situated in the town center is the Giardini del Belvedere. The park resides at a higher elevation than the rest of the town. At the very top of the park sits the Torre del Belvedere, a giant clock tower that watches over Mondovi. 

Visitors to the town will find a variety of clocks and sundials almost everywhere, however, this park is dedicated to these various instruments of time. Signposts around the park inform visitors on how the sundials and clocks work. Giardini del Belvedere also provides amazing views of the town below. 

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December 6, 2019

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