kuiper281's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Places visited in Skellefteå, Sweden
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John o' Groats, Scotland

John o' Groats Marker

The sign marks one of the endpoints to mainland Britain's longest overland travel route.
Dunbar, Scotland

Dunbar Outdoor Pool Remains

This Scottish bay still reveals evidence of its days as a seaside swimming pool.
North Bend, Washington

Lester Ghost Town

A short hike into the mountainside forest reveals a decaying 1890s town.
Hermosa, South Dakota

Spokane Ghost Town

Despite repeated attempts to make it work, this former mining town is now nothing but dust and memories.
Nekoma, North Dakota

The Pyramid of North Dakota

The remnants of an early American attempt at missile defense.
San Jon, New Mexico

Glenrio Ghost Town

The old Route 66 town straddling Texas and New Mexico died along with the Main Street of America.
Beatty, Nevada

Rhyolite Ghost Town

Odd outsider art installations surround a Gold Rush-era ghost town.
Drummond, Montana

Garnet, Montana

This amazingly preserved Gold Rush town is a historian's dream.
Salisbury, England

Secret Spitfires Memorial

A life-size replica of a Spitfire that sits in a quaint suburb.
Tulsa, Oklahoma

Denver Avenue Station

In Tulsa's Oil Capital historic district, even the bus station is "fauxback" Art Deco.
Gatteville-le-Phare, France

Phare de Gatteville

A beautiful lighthouse with as many steps as days in the year, as many windows as weeks, and as many levels as months.
Rouen, France

Musee Flaubert et d'Histoire de la Medecine

Located in the house where Gustave Flaubert was born, this odd museum has more to do with medical grotesquery than the Western novel.
Landrethun-le-Nord, France

Forteresse de Mimoyecques

Underneath a chalk hill in France lies what Hitler hoped would be the underground launching base for a devastating new weapon.
Heuvelland, Belgium

Kemmel's Top Secret Command Bunker

A Cold War command center is hidden under an idyllic countryside.
Ypres, Belgium

Sanctuary Wood Museum

A rare example of World War I trenches from the British front.
Ypres, Belgium

Menin Gate Memorial

A moving memorial to the fallen and missing from WWI trenches.
Baarle-Hertog, Belgium

Zendstation MN7

A reconstructed World War I-era communications array that was once hidden in plain sight.
Chicago, Illinois

Beer Baron Row

These mansions date back to Chicago's days as a brewer's paradise.
Westerhaar-Vriezenveensewijk, Netherlands


Hop aboard a charming bog train to explore this rare open-air museum of peat.
Sleepy Hollow, New York

Headless Horseman Bridge

The real-life site of Ichabod Crane's infamous gourd attack.
Sleepy Hollow, New York

The Old Dutch Church of Sleepy Hollow

Oldest existing church in New York and the inspiration for Washington Irving's "The Legend of Sleepy Hollow."
Vancouver, British Columbia

Vancouver Maritime Museum

Step aboard the first ship to circumnavigate North America.
Vienna, Austria

Hundertwasser's Odd Architecture

Op-art architecture designed for happiness.
Rotsund, Norway

Spåkenes Coastal Fort

The gnarled remains of an exploded German bunker from World War II sit along a breathtaking fjord.