bmcoyle2's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Hertfordshire, England

Snook's Grave

The eternal resting place of the last highwayman hanged in England.
Alton, England

Battle of Alton Bullet Holes

The door of St. Lawrence’s Church features small scars from a battle that took place nearly 400 years ago.
Windsor, England

Queen Charlotte Street

At just 51 feet and 10 inches long, it's the shortest street in England.
Windsor, England

'The Queen' Locomotive

A replica of the steam engine that hauled Queen Victoria's Royal Train is on display at Windsor.
Slough, England

Station Jim

This preserved puppy was an adorable beacon of charity.
Windsor, England

Pavement Clock

This is Britain's one and only clock concealed in the pavement.
Windsor, England

The Queen's Swans at Windsor

All unmarked mute swans on the Thames are owned by the Queen per a tradition that began in the 12th century.
Hertfordshire, England

Amaravati Buddhist Monastery

An oasis of calm, nestled in the English countryside.

Devil's Bridge on Spooky Lane

A mysterious bridge over a sunken Roman road.
Ridgmont, England

All Saints Church Ruins

This ancient Bedfordshire church was abandoned when the village's population slowly began migrating to new towns.
Alresford, England

Alresford Spy Toilet

These public toilets were used as a dead drop by pro-Soviet spies to trade British military secrets during the Cold War.
Buckinghamshire, England

Stoke Park Golf and Country Club

Site of the golf match between James Bond and Goldfinger.
Glastonbury, England


Fascinating town where normal life interfaces with the occult.
Glastonbury, England

'King Arthur's Tomb'

In the ruins of Glastonbury Abbey lies the alleged resting place of the legendary king.
Glastonbury, England

Chalice Well (The Red Spring)

An ancient well nestled at the foot of Glastonbury Tor, shrouded in Arthurian legend and revered for its purported healing waters.
Glastonbury, England

The White Spring

A dark Victorian well house now plays host to mystical waters and pagan shrines.
Old Alresford, England

Alresford Eel House

A rare example of a building constructed specifically for catching eels.
Glastonbury, England

Glastonbury Tor

This hill and tower are steeped in legend, from King Arthur to the Holy Grail.
Naseby, England

Battle of Naseby Obelisk

A monument at the site of a decisive battle in the First English Civil War.
Whipsnade, England

Whipsnade White Lion

This unusual geoglyph was built as a warning so low-flying aircraft wouldn't scare the zoo animals.
Hay-on-Wye, Wales

The Kingdom of Books

In 1977, an eccentric book lover formed a micronation for book lovers.
Berkhamsted, England

Berkhamsted Castle

This early Norman castle was the first historical monument protected by an act of Parliament.
Jordans, England

William Penn’s Grave

The remains of the man who founded Pennsylvania lie in an unassuming grave in the English countryside.
Winchester, England

'Sound II' at Winchester Cathedral

This silent sentry in the crypt below a large Gothic cathedral is often knee-deep in water.