leannebriggs's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Places visited in Ireland
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Places visited in Belfast, Northern Ireland
Places visited in Siena, Italy
Places visited in Ravenna, Italy
Places visited in Whitehead, Northern Ireland
Places visited in Ballygalley, Northern Ireland
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Paris, France

Execution Site of Jacques de Molay

The approximate spot where the last Grand Master of the Knights Templar was put to death.
Paris, France

Paris Space Invaders

The video game-themed street art first popped up in the French city.
Paris, France

Statue Le Rhinoceros

A beautiful Victorian statue shows France's enduring love of the rhinoceros.
Paris, France

Musée du quai Branly (Quai Branly Museum)

This Parisian gem is one of the most incredible ethnographic museums in the world.
Paris, France

Medici Column

The spiral staircase hidden inside this giant Parisian column was likely built for Catherine de Medici's astrologer.
Paris, France

The Stravinsky Fountain

A series of abstract, silly sculptures represent the works of a great modern classical composer.
Paris, France

Arago Medallions

135 bronze medallions mark a French meridian line which once rivaled the hotshot Greenwich timeline.
Paris, France

Chez Christiane

BDSM, 1930s Style.
Paris, France

Grande Galerie de l'Évolution

Natural history museum celebrating biodiversity with a parade of taxidermy animals.
Paris, France

Flame of Liberty

This life-size replica of the Statue of Liberty's flame is also a tribute to Princess Diana by default.
Paris, France

Napoleon's Angels

Twelve grave-faced marble angels guard the emperor's tomb at Les Invalides.
Paris, France

The Recumbent Effigy of Victor Noir

How did a French journalist’s grave become the sexiest statue in the cemetery?
Paris, France

The Heart of Voltaire

In the best of all possible worlds, everyone will get a chance to see this statue in which Voltaire's heart is interred.
Paris, France

Centre Pompidou

An "inside out" building in the historical center of Paris, featuring Europe’s largest modern art museum.
Paris, France

The Gravestone Courtyard

Walk upon the mementos of the dead in this Parisian courtyard paved with medieval tombstones.
Paris, France

Musée des Arts Forains

A museum of carnival attractions where you are invited to ride the rides.
Paris, France

Bibliothèque nationale de France (National Library of France)

This massive library holds what was once the largest book collection in the world.
Paris, France

59 Rivoli

Notorious artist squat renovated into legal studios.
Naples, Italy

Porta Nolana

This medieval city gate is now a blend of the past and the modern world.
Naples, Italy

Via dei Presepi

Every day is like Christmas on this street where the traditional Neapolitan nativity scene comes to life.
Milan, Italy

Fondazione Prada

A space dedicated to contemporary art and culture, co-chaired by fashion icon Miuccia Prada.
Milan, Italy

Leonardo's Horse - Il Cavallo dello Sforza

Da Vinci's equestrian statue, 500 years in the making.
Milan, Italy

The Devil's Column

The mark of the Devil's horns on a marble column in Milan.
Milan, Italy

Loggia dei Mercanti Whispering Gallery

The secret medieval communication system will whisk your words above the noise of the crowd.