tchaves12145's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Yokohama, Japan

Dr. Hepburn’s Former Residence

The man who created the first Japanese-English Dictionary.
Mostar, Bosnia and Herzegovina

Museum of the Old Bridge

Carefully reconstructed after the Bosnian War, this 16th-century bridge stands as a symbol of the country's enduring multicultural heritage.
Edinburgh, Scotland

Dalmeny Estate Topiaries

On the outskirts of Edinburgh, a trio of topiary created by one man over the course of more than 20 years.
Eminence, Missouri

Wild Horses of Shannon County

It's as if the herds walked straight out of a fairy tale into the Missouri wilds.
Heimaey, Iceland

Eldheimar Museum

This museum explores how a 1973 volcanic eruption forever changed this small Icelandic island.
Tokyo, Japan

R.T.O. Relief

A beautiful work of art designed to impress the Allied Forces.
Melrose, Scotland

The Sir William Wallace Statue

This massive, 30-foot-tall statue of the famed Scottish knight overlooks a grassy knoll.
Providence, Rhode Island

Gingerbread and Pancake Islands

The origin of these small islands' sweet names is a local mystery.
Moravský Krumlov, Czechia

'Slovanská epopej' ('Slav Epic')

Art Nouveau painter Alphonse Mucha spent 18 years creating these monumental paintings of Slavic history and mythology.
Budapest, Hungary

Satoshi Nakamoto Bust

A tribute to the builder(s) of Bitcoin.
Los Angeles, California

Tony Scott’s Grave

A tiny rock climber scales the headstone of a beloved director.
Jekyll Island, Georgia

Jekyll Island Amphitheater

The ruins of an open-air theater built on this Georgia island in the 1970s.
Providence, Rhode Island

Cranston Street Armory

A gothic-styled structure that has been the location for several movies.
Framingham, Massachusetts

Stone's Bridge

A historic bridge no one is allowed to cross.
Cornwall, Prince Edward Island

Seven's Pinballorama

Part arcade, part museum, this collection features vintage and modern pinball machines.
Bruère-Allichamps, France

Bruère-Allichamps Borne Milliaire

Designed to mark the geographical center of France.
Cenarth, Wales

National Coracle Centre

A museum dedicated to Wales’ favorite—and strangest-looking—watercraft.
Denver, Colorado

Meow Wolf Convergence Station

A multiversal transit station located right below a highway interchange.
Mountain View, Missouri

Jam Up Cave

The largest riverfront opening cave in the Ozarks.
Edinburgh, Scotland

The Black Castle

This severely painted building has a twisted connection to the witch hunts of the 1640s.
Saudarkrokur, Iceland


A geothermal pool in North Iceland that is said to be the bathing spot of the legendary Grettir the Strong.
Yokohama, Japan

Rising Sun Revolving Door

At the time of its construction, this type of door was nearly unheard of.
Playa del Carmen, Mexico

Alux House at San Pedro Hotel

It might look like a doghouse, but this small structure was actually built to house a spirit from Maya mythology.
Mono City, California

Basalt Plug

This large chunk of dark rock is a relic from an ancient volcanic eruption.