tchaves12145's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Alexandria, Egypt

Saad Zaghloul Pasha Monument

This memorial park is also the original site of Queen Cleopatra’s Caesareum, whose pillars now stand in London and New York.
Athens, Greece


With no menu and no sign, this 130-year-old taverna doles out affordable home cooking.
Istanbul, Turkey

Siirt Şeref Büryan

Come for the whole sides of slow-roasted lamb, stay for the regional Kurdish specialties.
Tanuf, Oman


The ruins in this village were caused by something more sinister than neglect.
Syracuse, Italy

Fountain of Arethusa

According to Greek mythology, this natural spring is the home of a freshwater nymph.
Milan, Italy

Crypt of San Sepolcro

Saint Borromeo often prayed in this austere crypt during the 16th century.
Istanbul, Turkey

Kanaat Lokantasi

This family-owned canteen has been selling goat milk ice cream since 1933.
Bonifacio, France

Escalier du roi d'Aragon (King of Aragon’s Stairs)

A breathtakingly steep set of stairs is carved directly into the face of the sea cliffs of Bonifacio.
Istanbul, Turkey


Homesick Syrian refugees head to this restaurant for a taste of Damascus.
Aakirkeby, Denmark

Bison of Bornholm

Even though bison are not native to this Danish island, you might find them walking around the Almindingen Forestas as part of a nature experiment.
Olmedo, Spain

Mudéjar Thematic Park

The best collection of Mudéjar building replicas gathered in a theme park in Olmedo.
Tunis, Tunisia

Villa Yvonne

A ghostly mansion in the middle of downtown Tunis.
Duvauchelle, New Zealand

Ōnawe Peninsula

A peninsula on a peninsula that becomes an island at high tide.
Athens, Greece


Since 1969, this restaurant has served up dishes typical of Istanbul's Greek diaspora.
Milan, Italy

Ear of Vicolo Gazzana

A small sculpture that pays homage to the famous bronze ear of Ca de l'Oreggia—or does it?
Paphos, Cyprus

Agia Solomoni Catacomb

Beneath an ancient wishing tree lies an underground chapel with 12th-century frescoes and catacombs dedicated to a lady saint.
Madrid, Spain

Casa Labra

This taberna has been frying up crunchy salt cod since 1860.
St. Augustine, Florida

National Shrine of Our Lady of La Leche

This shrine commemorates the site of the first known Catholic mass in the United States.
Aracena, Spain

Gruta de las Maravillas (Cave of Wonders)

An underground spring in a labyrinthine cave system, decorated with stalagmites and stalactites.
Wendover, Utah

Sun Tunnels

A sculpture for the sun and stars, created by Nancy Holt.
Habib, Oman

Wadi Bani Habib

An abandoned mountain village in Habib surrounded by walnut, apricot, and pomegranate trees.
Athens, Greece

Antikythera Mechanism

A 2,000-year-old computer demonstrates remarkable engineering and astronomical precision.
Paris, France

The Hood

Dishes are packed with flavor at one of the only Singaporean restaurants in Paris.
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

Philly Typewriter

Welcome to the home of the world's largest typewriter company.