AdOYo's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Places visited in Winchester, England
Places added to Essex, England
Places edited in Essex, England
Places visited in Hastings, England
Places added to England
Places edited in Northumberland, England
Places visited in Great Yarmouth, England
Places added to United Kingdom
Places edited in Sheffield, England
Bramley, England

The Church of St. James' Wall Paintings

The walls of this village church are decorated by two unique religious works of art.
Alresford, England

Alresford Spy Toilet

These public toilets were used as a dead drop by pro-Soviet spies to trade British military secrets during the Cold War.
Cliffsend, England

Hugin Longship

This longship was a gift to commemorate the 1500th anniversary of the Anglo-Saxons arrival in England.
Ipswich, England

'The Major'

This public bathroom is guarded by a flyswatter-wielding army major.
Mottisfont, England

The Mottisfont Crocodile

Lurking among the classical architecture, rose gardens, and art of this historic country house—a crocodile in a bathtub.
Maldon, England

Statue of Byrhtnoth

This statue commemorates one of medieval England’s most courageous heroes.
Hawkshead, England

William Wordsworth's School Desk Carving

This small village museum contains the schoolboy scratchings of William Wordsworth.
Hampshire, England

Farley Mount Monument

This towering monument is dedicated in memory of a most unusually named, yet heroic, horse.
Ivinghoe, England

The Ivinghoe Fire Hook

Before firefighters, villagers relied on this simple hook to save their thatched cottages from a fiery doom.
Winchester, England

Curle’s Passage Riddle

Four hundred years ago, this turned-about message was carved into one of Winchester Cathedral's exterior walls.
Upper Froyle, England

The Village of Saints

Many of the cottages and houses of this tiny village are adorned with a local lord's collection of saintly statues.
Great Dunmow, England

Doctors Pond

This Great Dunmow pond was a breeding ground for medical leeches, as well as the testing ground for the world's first lifeboat.
Faringdon, England

The Faringdon F.U.N. and Folly Tower

The eccentricities of a former lord include painted pigeons of his manor house, a series of pointless plaques, and a folly built simply to peeve the public.
Aldershot, England

Redan Hill Fortifications

In the mid-1800s, the British military used this hilltop fort to train soldiers.
London, England

The Molehill on The Equestrian Statue of William III

This statue includes the molehill that toppled a king.
Sudbury, England

The Hundred and One Dalmatians Drinking Fountain

At this fountain, Pongo and Missis of "The Hundred and One Dalmatians," stopped to drink.
London, England

Tottenham Hotspur Lamppost

A replica of the gaslit streetlamp under which three teenagers founded a football club.
Little Wittenham, England

The Poem Tree Commemorative Stone

For a century and a half, this great beech stood bearing a carefully carved 20-line poem. Now this stone and plaque are all that remain.
Windsor, England

Pavement Clock

This is Britain's one and only clock concealed in the pavement.
Great Yarmouth, England

Suspension Bridge Disaster Memorial

On May 2, 1845, crowds gathered to watch a clown and four geese sail upstream in a bathtub. Then disaster struck.
Burgh Saint Peter, England

The Tower of St Mary's Church

The story behind this uniquely-shaped tower involves ancient empires, local legends, and new words.
London, England

Rotherhithe Street

The arching stretch of London's longest street holds many reminders of the area's maritime past.
Ipswich, England

The Famous Giles Family

These iconic characters honor Carl Giles, who brought humor to newspaper readers for almost 50 years.
Nately Scures, England

Mermaid of Nately Scures

From amidst her whirling waves, this mermaid sees all who pass through St. Swithun’s Church. If local legends are to be believed, she serves as a warning.