faithymanifestsandshifts's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Mexico City, Mexico

La Rifa Chocolatería

The hot chocolate here all stems from small, sustainable microproducers in Chiapas and Tabasco.
Mexico City, Mexico

Mercado San Juan

CDMX's home for the world's culinary delights.
San Pablo Villa de Mitla, Mexico

Hierve El Agua

This beautifully deceptive waterfall is something far different from what it appears to be.
Mexico City, Mexico

Museo Dolores Olmedo

This extraordinary art museum is like a secret world on the edge of Mexico City.
Mexico City, Mexico

Taquería Los Cocuyos

This one-window stand has been home to a giant vat of slowly simmering meats and an array of unique tacos for almost 50 years.
Palenque, Mexico


An elaborate Mayan city shrouded in alien conspiracy revealed the tomb of Pacal the Great.
Mexico City, Mexico

Museo de Arte Popular

An airy Art Deco space devoted to the weird and wonderful folk art traditions of Mexico.
Mexico City, Mexico

Cine Ópera

This crumbling Art Deco movie palace in Mexico City has been abandoned for two decades.
Mexico City, Mexico

Museo del Objeto del Objeto

At a museum of everyday objects, it is the act of collecting that is really on display.
Mexico City, Mexico

Museo de la Medicina Mexicana

A scientific repository of goiters, boils and other ailments throughout Mexican history.
Mexico City, Mexico

El Vilsito

By night, this auto repair shop turns into a taquería serving up some of the city's finest al pastor tacos.
Cancún, Mexico

Museo Subacuático de Arte

Underwater art project will double as a massive artificial coral reef to help regenerate the damaged ecosystem.
Tepoztlán, Mexico

El Tepozteco

High atop a Mexican rainforest mountain, this ancient pyramid once drew pilgrims countries away.
Mexico City, Mexico

Café La Habana

This old-school café is famous for serving coffee, chilaquiles, and the Cuban Revolution.
Mexico City, Mexico

Fuente de Tláloc

Diego Rivera's massive tiled fountain and failed infrastructure project.
Chichen Itza, Mexico

El Caracol

No telescopes, no power, no gift shop: The Observatory of Chichen Itza, one of the world's oldest observatories, takes astronomy back to basics.
Mexico City, Mexico

Santuario Nacional del Angel de la Santa Muerte

A church dedicated to the Mexican skeleton saint.
Mexico City, Mexico

La Posada del Sol

Meant to be one of the most extravagant hotels in the world, now an eerie, abandoned architectural gem in Mexico City.
Xilitla, Mexico

Las Pozas

Extraordinary sculpture garden created by an eccentric English poet.
Mexico City, Mexico

Biblioteca Vasconcelos

A jaw-dropping "megalibrary" that turns book-browsing into a geometric adventure.
Mexico City, Mexico

Mercado de Sonora

Superstitious? Discover the witchy side of Mexico through its largest esoteric market.
Naucalpan, Mexico

El Nido de Quetzalcóatl

An Aztec snake god has taken the material form of an apartment complex.
Mexico City, Mexico

La Casa Azul

Frida Kahlo's childhood home, now a museum of her life and works.
Mexico City, Mexico

Cafebrería El Péndulo

Part bookstore, part café, and part forest.