faithymanifestsandshifts's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Madrid, Spain

Cuesta de Moyano

A haven for book enthusiasts across the street from Retiro Park.
Burgos, Spain

El Papamoscas

For more than half a millennia, this automaton has rung an hourly bell.
Conil de la Frontera, Spain

Torre Vigía de Castilnovo

This centuries-old tower hosts endangered bald ibis mating pairs and looms over a pristine beach.
Ciutadella de Menorca, Spain

Pedreres de s’Hostal

An old quarry transformed into a recreational and cultural space.
Madrid, Spain

Puerta de la Sagra

The oldest vestiges of Madrid found here, have been incorporated into this new museum.
Onil, Spain

Museo de la Muñeca

Learn how dolls are made in this fascinating museum inside a 19th-century mansion.
Albacete, Spain

Pasaje de Lodares

Built in 1925, this glass-roofed shopping arcade is known for its modernist Italian architecture.
Madrid, Spain

La Fuentecilla

This historic fountain is a favorite neighborhood meeting point.
Girona, Spain

La Lleona de Girona

Kissing the ass of this stone lioness has become a rite of passage in the city of Girona.
Tarragona, Spain

Balcó del Mediterrani

Touching the iron railings of Tarragona's balcony to the Mediterranean is said to bring good luck.
Salamanca, Spain

Casa de las Conchas

The facade of this 16th-century building is decorated with carvings of 300 seashells.
Daroca, Spain

La Mina de Daroca

This tunnel was built in order to protect the village of Daroca from flash floods during rainy seasons.
La Palma, Spain

Volcán de Tajogaite

The longest eruption in the history of La Palma originated with this volcano in September 2021.
Pasaia, Spain

Albaola Itsas Kultur Faktoria

Get a close-up look at a 16th-century Basque whaling ship at this factory and museum.
Esgos, Spain

Monasterio de San Pedro de Rocas

An abandoned 6th-century monastery features a medieval map of the known world.
Vegacervera, Spain

Cueva de Valporquero

The spectacular geological formations make it one of the most impressive caves in Europe.
Grazalema, Spain

Pinsapar de Grazalema

A reservation-only highland forest reserve of endangered Pinsapar firs stands above a village in Andalucía.
La Palma, Spain

Dragos Gemelos

Behind this pair of dragon trees, there is a tragic story of lost love.
Palencia, Spain

Cristo del Otero

The gaunt visage of this angular Christ giant is enough to put the fear of God into all who see it.
Proaza, Spain

Cercado Osero

A mountain path passes by several sprawling enclosures home to a pair of rescued brown bears.
Cambrils, Spain

En la Pla de les Serenes

This amazing piece of modern art honors the hundreds of fishermen killed during Cambrils' "year of misfortunes."
Tortosa, Spain

Jardins del Príncep

A botanical garden full of thought-provoking contemporary sculptures.
Es Migjorn Gran, Spain

Cova des Coloms

The largest cave on the island of Menorca was likely the site of Iron Age rites and rituals.
Telde, Spain

Bufadero La Garita

Nature puts on a spectacular show at this blowhole on the eastern side of Gran Canaria.