bernardkenr's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Places visited in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
Places visited in Cleveland, Ohio
Places visited in Columbus, Ohio
Places visited in Ohio
Places visited in Cincinnati, Ohio
Places visited in West Chester, Pennsylvania
Places visited in Somerset, Pennsylvania
Places visited in Nebraska
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Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

Murals of Maxo Vanka

Long hidden under grime, the politically radical murals of a little known Yugoslavian master are finally getting their due.
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

Pittsburgh Protractors

Hundreds of protractors affixed to surfaces all over the city.
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

The Bumblebee Beach

A private residence adorned with a gorgeous mural dedicated to the buzzing insect.
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

Magneto Mural

The Master of Magnetism dominates the walls of a scrap metal yard to keep graffiti artists at bay.
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

Arsenal Park

This public park was the site of the largest civilian disaster of the Civil War.
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

Kaufmann's Clock

Meet your friends, marry your true love, or tell your enemies to kiss your butt under this historic Pittsburgh timepiece.
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

Pittsburgh's Snoopy Doghouse

Despite being stolen multiple times, this civic electrician's street corner Snoopy won't be stopped.
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

Mellon Institute Columns

Sections of the iconic limestone columns have been left uncleaned as a reminder of the city's polluted past.
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

Roslyn Place

The last street in Pittsburgh that's paved with wood.
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

Homewood Cemetery

A quiet, gothic haven nestled between Pittsburgh's Squirrel Hill and Point Breeze neighborhoods.
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

Bacchus House

The god of wine stares out at passersby on this busy Pittsburgh thoroughfare.
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

Nine Mile Run

This picturesque stream was up until recently the site of a ten story mountain of slag and sewage.
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

Frick Park Clay Courts

This historic Pittsburgh tennis complex is a rare example of natural red clay courts.
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

Shrine of the Blessed Mother

This shrine dedicated to the Virgin Mary is also a tribute from a mother to her fallen son.
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

Paramount Film Exchange

Once used to screen films for theater owners to rent, this historic building is now a start up hub.
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

Duquesne Brewery Clock

The largest clock face in the United States is twice the size of Big Ben and infinitely more ad-sponsored.
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

Beechview-Seldom Seen Greenway

This secluded walking trail is a hidden gem of a Pittsburgh park.
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

Canton Avenue

One of the steepest streets in the United States makes an intriguing challenge for cyclists.
Novelty, Ohio

ASM International Materials Park

Known as "The Dome" this is the world's largest open air geodesic dome.
Washington, Pennsylvania

LeMoyne Crematory

Francis Julius LeMoyne built this crematory in 1876; he was the third person to be cremated here.
Campbell, Ohio

Iron Soup

There is beauty and history in the ruins of this former company town.
Cleveland, Ohio

Memorial to Tamir Rice

This garden memorial marks the site where 12-year-old Tamir Rice was fatally shot by the Cleveland Police Department.
Carroll, Ohio

Lockville Ruins

See the nearly two-century-old ruins of pre-railroad America at the former site of a lock on the Ohio and Erie Canal.
Washington, D.C.

Walter Johnson Statue

This statue of one of baseball’s greatest pitchers looks like something out of a sci-fi horror movie.