brittanyweaver's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Lucerne, Switzerland

Lion of Lucerne

This memorial commemorating fallen Swiss Guards of the French Revolution has been called the saddest stone in the world.
Lucerne, Switzerland

Dance of Death Bridge

This historic covered bridge contains a series of macabre paintings that communicate one thing: everyone dies.
Genk, Belgium

Cycling Through Water

This bike path was sunk below water level for maximum wonder.
Ypres, Belgium

The Yorkshire Trench

In an area where the remnants of WWI are discovered on a regular basis this preserved frontline trench may be the most amazing.
Aberystwyth, Wales

University of Aberystwyth Old College

A real-life Professor Snape once taught in this Welsh university building, which students of course nicknamed “Hogwarts.”
Tintern, Wales

Tintern Abbey

This well-preserved Cistercian Abbey in a romantic pastoral setting has inspired artists like the poet Wordsworth.
Kostolac, Serbia


At this archaeological site, visitors can explore the ruins of the capital of the former Roman province of Moesia.
Topola, Serbia

St. George's Church

The interior of this Serbian royal family's mausoleum is covered with exquisite mosaics.
Golubac, Serbia

Golubac Fortress

This 14th century castle withstood years of battle but is now sliding off the hills into the Danube.
Družiniće, Serbia

Uvac River Meanders

A sinuous path among steep cliffs creates a stunning sight in southwestern Serbia.
hajnowski, Poland

The Land of Open Shutters

Old cabin-like homes in a rural community untouched by time are known for their vibrant and colorful window shutters.
Świebodzin, Poland

Internet Antennas of Christ the King

This towering statue of Jesus provided internet to the surrounding area.
Wągrowiec, Poland

The Wagrowiec Bifurcation

One of only two places in the world where two rivers cross each other without the waters mixing.
Warsaw, Poland

The Canaletto Room

These 18th-century paintings of Warsaw were used to reconstruct the city after World War II.
Niedzica-Zamek, Poland

Niedzica Castle

This picturesque castle in Poland has a rich history, including a legend that ties it to lost Incan treasures.
Wrocław, Poland


This oddly beautiful water cistern is a techno-temple to the wet stuff and a multimedia masterpiece.
Krakow, Poland

Church of St. Francis of Assisi

Inside this Krakow church, an explosion of psychedelic color.
Chisinau, Moldova

Moldova's Little Prince Statue

At less than four inches in height, this iconic fictional character is the smallest public statue in all of Moldova.
Chisinau, Moldova

Chisinau State Circus

This abandoned Soviet circus is slowly being restored to its Communist-era glory.
Tiraspol, Moldova


A forgotten remnant of the Soviet Union, Transnistria is an unrecognized country hidden behind a heavily militarized border between Moldova and Ukraine.
San Lawrenz, Malta

The Inland Sea

The fishing boats that moor in this small lagoon enter and leave through a tunnel to the sea.
Trakai, Lithuania

Trakai Island Castle

Over time, this castle grew to encompass the entire island.
Vilnius, Lithuania

Female Pedestrian Lights

These traffic lights celebrate the 100 year anniversary of the women's suffrage movement in Lithuania.
Neringos savivaldybė, Lithuania

The Dead Dunes

A narrow strip of land is home to the tallest migrating dunes in Europe.