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Places visited in Torun, Poland
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Munich, Germany

Georg Elser Plaque

A small square plaque marks a failed assassination attempt that could have changed history.
Munich, Germany


Golden cobblestones remember a time when this small alley was used to avoid having to give a Nazi salute.
Helsingør, Denmark

Kronborg Castle (Elsinore)

Old Danish castle immortalized in Shakespeare's Hamlet.
Klampenborg, Denmark


The oldest amusement park in the world has been providing a nice spot to have some fun since the 1500s.
Copenhagen, Denmark

Throne of Denmark

Opulence and fantasy collide in this royal chair which is supposedly made with unicorn horns.
Copenhagen, Denmark

Cirkelbroen (The Circle Bridge)

This bridge's unique architecture honors nautical heritage and encourages self-awareness.
Copenhagen, Denmark

Church of Our Saviour

Climb to the top of its spiral spire for spectacular views of Copenhagen.
Salzburg, Austria

Dom Museum's Kunst und Wunderkammer

The amazing wonder cabinets of a very rich Austrian archbishop.
Salzburg, Austria


Amidst medieval and baroque buildings, five human-sized gherkins stand tall.
Taichung City, Taiwan

Painted Animation Lane

A small alleyway lined with locally drawn scenes of nostalgic anime and cartoon characters.
Berlin, Germany


A small hippo-shaped fountain in Berlin, Germany.
Berlin, Germany

The Clock of Flowing Time

An astonishingly accurate water clock that doubles as an hourly spectacle in this Berlin shopping area.
Berlin, Germany


In the summer of 1957, a massive architectural exhibition showed off the future of urban living in this German neighborhood.
Berlin, Germany

‘Trains to Life – Trains to Death’

A haunting contrast of trains that both saved and took the lives of Jewish children in Nazi Germany.
Berlin, Germany

Babka & Kranz

Superb sweets await at the first Jewish bakery inducted into Berlin’s prestigious baker’s guild.
Berlin, Germany

Archenhold Observatory

This public observatory is home to the "celestial cannon," the longest pointable telescope in the world.
Berlin, Germany

Fine Bagels

The best bagels in Berlin are tucked away in an independent bookstore.
Berlin, Germany

Konditorei Buchwald

For more than 170 years, this family-run bakery has been serving Berlin’s best Baumkuchen, or “tree cake.”
Berlin, Germany

Mengenlehreuhr (Berlin Clock)

The world's first clock to use set theory as a measure of time required the invention of a new light bulb just to maintain its obtuse measurements.
Berlin, Germany


Where once there was a train station bathroom, there is now this German burger joint.
Kaohsiung City, Taiwan

Pier2 Art Center

A thriving community of Taiwanese art.
Tainan City, Taiwan

Grand Matsu Temple

Only through deep darkness and tragedy did this elaborate royal palace become a sacred temple.
Tainan City, Taiwan

Anping Tree House

The tangled roots of a giant banyan tree have fully reclaimed the ruins of this abandoned warehouse.
Kaohsiung City, Taiwan

Lotus Lake Taoist Complex

This collection of lakeside pagodas and temples are flanked by giant lions, tigers, and dragons as well as their welcoming maws.