crisystar's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Places visited in Terre Haute, Indiana
Places visited in Mattoon, Illinois
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Casey, Illinois

World Records of Casey, Illinois

The world's largest collection of the world's largest objects is in one small Illinois town.
Terre Haute, Indiana

'Crossroads of Kymaerica'

In an alley not far from where two great highways meet, byways of a very different sort are honored.
Terre Haute, Indiana

Stiffy Green

Whether his story is true or not, Stiffy Green is the most beloved bulldog in all of Indiana.
Terre Haute, Indiana

Smith Memorial Labyrinth

Modeled after the labyrinth in Chartres Cathedral, this small-town Indiana memorial labyrinth sits half a world away.
Martinsville, Illinois

Moonshine, Illinois

Even with only two residents and one building, this tiny Illinois town is famous for its burgers.
Atlanta, Illinois

Paul Bunyon

While he no longer has an eatery to give him context, this off-brand Paul Bunyan still holds his giant hot dog with pride.
Gays, Illinois

Two-Story Outhouse

This historic lavatory leftover features two levels of defecation stations completely without context.
Mattoon, Illinois

Blalack & Walter Well No. 1

This small-town park in southern Illinois has a 1,000,000-gallon swimming pool and a 100,000-barrel oil well.
Ashmore, Illinois

St. Omer Cemetery Witch Grave

This grave in a ghost town cemetery marks the death of a witch on a day that never happened.
Mattoon, Illinois

Illinois’ Original Burger King

The multinational Burger King chain is banned from operating within 20 miles of a family restaurant filed under the same name.