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Lares, Puerto Rico

Levy Mansion (La Rambla)

The location of Puerto Rico's first water bottling plant, thanks to a collaboration between Mother Nature and technology.
Quebrada, Puerto Rico

Cueva Clara

An enchanting natural wonder in Puerto Rico's Camuy River Park.
Camuy, Puerto Rico

Iglesia Cristiana Avivamiento La Piedra (The Stone Church)

This memorial to a family's dead son has survived a century of hurricanes and earthquakes.
Quebradillas, Puerto Rico

Puente la Bellaca (La Bellaca Bridge)

This former railroad bridge was named after the great river that once flowed below it.
Quebradillas, Puerto Rico

Puerto Hermina Ruins

Legend has it this historic port was a popular hideout and smuggling spot for pirates.
Isabela, Puerto Rico

Tunel de Guajataca

This former sugarcane transport tunnel is now a portal to a lovely beach.
Puerto Rico

Palacete los Moreau

This 20th-century mansion plays a key role in one of Puerto Rico's greatest novels.
Aguadilla Pueblo, Puerto Rico

Punta Borinquen Lighthouse Ruins

Years of neglect and nature took a toll on this 19th-century lighthouse.
Guánica, Puerto Rico

Guánica Lighthouse Ruins

Invading U.S. troops were first seen from this now-abandoned tower, leading to the Spanish-American War.
Ponce, Puerto Rico

Calle 25 de Enero

These red and black houses were awarded to the firefighters who saved their city from an enormous blaze.
Ponce, Puerto Rico

El Ponce

The abandoned remains of this once-thriving hotel looms over the city, awaiting an uncertain future.
Adjuntas, Puerto Rico

Casa Pueblo

This community-driven organization uses education and eco-friendly technology to protect the environment.
Jayuya, Puerto Rico

Cerro de Punta

The highest peak in Puerto Rico is home to a rare fern that can only be found on six trees at its summit.
Jayuya, Puerto Rico

El Cemi Museum

This niche museum devoted to ancient religious artifacts is shaped like the very thing it displays.
Coamo, Puerto Rico

Puente General Méndez Vigo

This ''hidden'' 19th-century bridge played a simple, yet important role during the Spanish-American War.
Central Aguirre, Puerto Rico

The Ruins of Central Aguirre

This nearly abandoned "company town" is a ghost of Puerto Rico's once-lucrative sugar industry.
San Juan, Puerto Rico

Garita del Diablo

Legend tells how a Spanish soldier disappeared from this isolated sentry box without a trace.
San Juan, Puerto Rico

Capilla del Santo Cristo de la Salud (Chapel of the Holy Christ of Health)

This chapel on a cliff is renowned for its healing powers and was founded on the site of a supposed divine intervention.
San Juan, Puerto Rico

La Casa Estrecha (The Narrow House)

This tiny home was originally a narrow alleyway.
San Juan, Puerto Rico

Old San Juan Cemetery

This bleach-white graveyard overlooking the ocean is accessed through a tunnel.
Toa Baja, Puerto Rico

Ruins of Lazaretto de Isla de Cabras

The crumbling remnants of this 19th-century quarantine hospital hint at the touristy island's darker past.
Toa Baja, Puerto Rico

El Cañuelo

This small fort played a huge role defending Puerto Rico’s capital city.
Cataño, Puerto Rico

Casa Bacardí

The bat-covered home of one of the world's most popular brands of rum is located on a tropical Art Deco campus.
Bayamón, Puerto Rico

Ron del Barrilito

Puerto Rico's oldest rum producer started its 140-year-old business with "a little barrel."