dakotal8888's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Stanley, Falkland Islands

Christ Church Cathedral

The southernmost Anglican cathedral in the world has whale bones standing in its yard.
Falkland Islands

Boot Hill

An ever-growing field of footwear invites legends and more shoes.
Falkland Islands

Bertha's Beach

This remote stretch of sand is a penguin lover's paradise.
Falkland Islands

Blue Beach Military Cemetery

A small cemetery remembers the British troops who fell during the Falklands War.
Falkland Islands

Bodie Creek Suspension Bridge

An abandoned suspension bridge on the Falkland Islands is crumbling into the water.
Darwin, Falkland Islands

Lieutenant Colonel "H" Jones Memorial

It marks the spot where the high-ranking British officer died during the Falklands War.
Falkland Islands

Argentine Military Cemetery

A hilltop collection of crosses remembering the hundreds of Argentine troops who fell during the Falklands War.

The Ceremonial South Pole

Naked scientists race around the pole in the frigid cold to try to join Antarctica's exclusive 300 Club.

Southern Pole of Inaccessibility

Considered the most remote point in the entire world.
Davis Station, Antarctica

Antarctic Sculpture Garden

Antarctica's only sculpture garden, it has art and penguins, but no plants in sight.

Lake Vostok

Largest sub-glacial lake ever discovered.

Mawson's Huts

These abandoned huts still hold the remains of an early 20th century Australian researcher's work.

Don Juan Pond

Scientists use one of the saltiest bodies of water on Earth as a terrestrial base for studying water on Mars.

Blood Falls

Natural time capsule containing an alien ecosystem.

McMurdo Dry Valleys

One of the most extreme deserts in the world, these snow-free valleys harbor life, despite the hostile environment.

Pegasus Wreck

The remains of a doomed Antarctic plane, buried beneath layers of ice and snow, await those willing to do a bit of digging.

Volcano Sponge of McMurdo Sound

These giant volcano sponges in Antarctica are thought to be the world's oldest living animal, at 15,000 years old.
McMurdo Station, Antarctica

Chapel of the Snows

The place of worship erected not once, but three times in one of the most desolate places on Earth.
McMurdo Station, Antarctica

Discovery Hut

A wooden hut from the Heroic Age of Antarctic Exploration.
McMurdo Station, Antarctica

McMurdo Station

Antarctica's bustling metropolis, originally established by Richard E. Byrd.
McMurdo Station, Antarctica

Erebus Ice Tongue Caves

Southern Ocean waters and glacial forces transform the Antarctic ice into these stunning bridges and caves.

Shackleton's Antarctic Hut

Nimrod Polar Expedition base, and home to hundred-year-old frozen whisky.

Mount Erebus

Fire meets ice at the southernmost volcano on Earth.

Wilson's Stone Igloo

A remains of a stone shelter are a reminder of "The Worst Journey in the World."