dakotal8888's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Cushamen, Argentina

Butch Cassidy's Cabin

With the Wild Bunch hunted almost to extinction and the law closing in on him, Butch Cassidy fled to this remote cabin in Argentina.

Huemul Island

The island houses the ruins of a secret nuclear fusion lab that once employed high-profile Nazi scientists

Mysterious Ruins

Are they the remains of a fallen hotel, or the final stronghold for escaped Nazis?
Chonchi, Chile

Dock of Souls (Muelle de las Almas)

A wooden dock art installation on Chiloé Island taps into the island's indigenous mythology.
Castro, Chile

Churches of Chiloé

Spanish religion mixed with local architecture has yielded a network of churches unlike any other.
Frutillar, Chile

German Colonial Museum

A sliver of 19th-century Germany sits on the shore of a Chilean lake.
Puerto Varas, Chile

Pablo Fierro Museum

This fairytale house on the shore of a Chilean Lake oozes an eclectic mix of Chilote and German Cultural heritage.
Villarrica, Chile

Caves of the Villarrica Volcano

One of Chile's most active volcanoes is riddled with beautiful caves.
Panguipulli, Chile

Termas Geometricas

This Japanese-inspired labyrinth of hot springs is hidden in a Chilean forest.
Panguipulli, Chile

Hotel Nothofagus

This enchanting rainforest hotel looks as though it grew from the forest itself.
Valdivia, Chile

Foucault Pendulum of Valdivia

A 63-foot-tall swinging ball hypnotizes passersby, and proves to any remaining doubters that the Earth is spinning.
Collipulli, Chile

Malleco Viaduct

This bright yellow bridge is a true engineering feat.
Villa Baviera, Chile

Villa Baviera

Formerly a brutal Nazi colony, this Chilean village was remade as a (controversial) German-themed tourist trap.
Lota, Chile

The Devil's Blast

The hellish conditions of this abandoned mine that snakes beneath the Pacific Ocean gave it its diabolic name.
Hualqui, Chile

'Independent Republic' of Hualqui

Despite being of the most short-lived republics in history, this small Chilean town won’t forget its two days of independence.
Concepción, Chile

Bismarck Tower

Dedicated to the first German Chancellor, Otto von Bismarck, this aging edifice is the only one of its kind in the Americas.
Concepción, Chile

Enrique Molina Theater

The ruins of a grand theater destroyed during the most powerful seismic catastrophe ever recorded.
Concepción, Chile

'The Presence of Latin America' Mural

The imposing piece of artwork is a celebration of Pan-American fraternity.
Concepción, Chile

Plaza Jurásica

Full-scale dinosaurs dominate the forested park in the middle of Chile’s second city.
Juan Fernández, Chile

Robinson Crusoe Island

Named for the DeFoe novel inspired by a stranded sailor, this island is known for its rare plants and extreme beauty.

Punta Pite

A fantastical group of cliffside stairways, bridges, and twisting paths carved out of stone provide a surreal coastal hike.
Valparaiso, Chile

Cementerio Numero 3 de Playa Ancha

Hand-made memorials and a wish-granting murderer lie within this seaside pauper's cemetery.
Valparaiso, Chile

Elevators of Valparaiso

What was once a unique system of urban elevators is turning into a mechanical ruin.
Valparaiso, Chile

Botica Salcobrand

Buying your medicine at this particular pharmacy is like taking a trip back in time.