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Salcoatitán, El Salvador

La Ceiba Park

A legendary tree towers within its own vibrant sanctuary.

Mayan Stelae at Quirigua

Mesoamerican monoliths and zoomorphic stones covered in royal visages, ancient mythology, and grand celestial events.

La Danta

One of the world's largest pyramids stands within El Mirador, the "lost city of the Maya."
Tikal, Guatemala

Archaeologists' Abandoned Camp

The remnants of an archaeological camp stand within Tikal National Park.
Tikal, Guatemala

Spider Monkeys of Tikal

Monkeys inhabit the lush forest surrounding ancient Mayan ruins once considered sacred.
Tikal, Guatemala

Howler Monkeys of Tikal

These roaring primates were considered a divine creature in the cosmology of the Maya.
Tikal, Guatemala

Tikal Temple IV

Deep in the Guatemalan jungle stands an ancient pyramid that once marked the reign of a king.

Semuc Champey

Hidden deep in the Guatemalan jungle is a turquoise paradise of natural pools, caves, and waterfalls.
Cobán, Guatemala

Vivero Verapaz

This orchid sanctuary protects countless varieties of the flower, from the huge to the microscopic.
Zunil, Guatemala

Las Fuentes Georginas

Volcanically heated hot springs.
Quetzaltenango, Guatemala

Los Vahos

Natural saunas fed by volcanic heat.
Quetzaltenango, Guatemala

Baños Balcárcel

A century-old bathhouse that provides the luxury of warm water to rural Guatemalans.
Olintepeque, Guatemala

Chapel of El Rey San Pascual

Hidden in the highlands of Guatemala, a small shrine venerates a forbidden folk saint.
Quetzaltenango, Guatemala

La Iglesia de San Andres de Xecul

Experiencing Guatemala's sensory-exploding church is a blunt reminder of European influence.
Chichicastenango, Guatemala

Chichicastenango Cemetery

One of the world’s most colorful cemeteries, where each pigment is symbolic.
Panajachel, Guatemala

Atitlan Antique Rose Garden

A collection of heirloom roses tucked in a spectacularly beautiful botanical garden on Lake Atitlan.

Lago de Atitlán

Central America's deepest lake is actually a volcanic caldera, surrounded by three volcanoes.
Santiago Atitlán, Guatemala


Guatemalan womanizer, venerated during Holy Week.

Mixco Viejo (Jilotepeque Viejo)

A ruined Maya city that suffered a years-long case of mistaken identity.
Antigua, Guatemala

California Avocado Plaque

Believe it or not, the now-ubiquitous California avocado originated in Guatemala.
Antigua, Guatemala

Casa Popenoe

This restored colonial house was once home to the botanist responsible for bringing avocados to the U.S.
Santiago Sacatepéquez, Guatemala

All Saints Day Kite Festival

Giant kites are flown during this Day of the Dead celebration in Guatemala.
Guatemala City, Guatemala

Great Guatemalan Sinkhole

An enormous, 30-story-deep hole in the middle of Guatemala City.
Guatemala City, Guatemala

Mapa en Relieve

An impressive century-old, to-scale topographical map of Guatemala.