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Santo Domingo Yanhuitlán, Mexico

Capilla del Calvario (Chapel of the Calvary)

This dome-topped chapel houses the most-venerated religious figure in Yanhuitlán.
Tlaxiaco, Mexico

Temple of San Nicolás Tolentino

After a partial collapse in the 1950s, this small church's historic facade lives on.
San Agustín Etla, Mexico

Old San Agustin Aqueduct

Amid lush greenery, a man-made channel peppered with graffiti that dates back to 1881.
San Agustín Etla, Mexico

Centro de las Artes de San Agustín (Arts Center of San Agustín)

The former textile factory is now an oasis for the arts.
San Pablo Villa de Mitla, Mexico

Hierve El Agua

This beautifully deceptive waterfall is something far different from what it appears to be.
San Pablo Villa de Mitla, Mexico

Column of Death

A mysterious pillar in an ancient burial chamber is said to predict how long you have to live.
Santa María del Tule, Mexico

El Árbol del Tule (The Tule Tree)

The stoutest tree in the world.
Ocotlán de Morelos, Mexico

Rodolfo Morales Municipal Palace Mural

A little-known hall almost completely covered in art by the beloved local painter.
San Martín Tilcajete, Mexico

Alebrijes of San Martín Tilcajete

This Oaxacan town is known for its colorful fantastical creatures hand-carved by local artisans.
Villa de Zaachila, Mexico

Zaachila Ruins

You can explore the halls of tombs in the abandoned former capital of the Zapotecs.
Cuilapam de Guerrero, Mexico

Ex-Monastery of Santiago Apóstol

This exquisite example of early colonial architecture remains unfinished almost 500 years after construction began.
Cuilapam de Guerrero, Mexico

Princess Donají Tomb

This abandoned convent keeps the tomb of a legendary beheaded princess.
Monte Albán, Mexico

Monte Albán

These sacred Mesoamerican ruins feature peculiar petroglyphs hidden in the stones.
San Agustín Etla, Mexico

Taller Arte Papel (Paper Art Workshop)

This art center located in a former hydroelectric plant uses native plants to create paper for kites, bags, jewelry, and more.
Oaxaca, Mexico

La Pozontlería

One of the city's few vendors selling the Sierra Norte's ancestral beverage lies within a hidden farmers market.
Oaxaca, Mexico

Rufino Tamayo Museum of Pre-Hispanic Art

An incredible collection of Mesoamerican art assembled by one of Mexico's great artists.
Oaxaca, Mexico

Jardín Etnobotánico de Oaxaca (Ethnobotanical Garden of Oaxaca)

A 16th-century monastery boasts a lush array of plants native to Mexico’s most biodiverse region.
Oaxaca, Mexico

Museo de Filatelia de Oaxaca

This amazing collection includes rare stamps from around the world, including fluorescent ones.
Oaxaca, Mexico

Panteón General (General Cemetery)

This graveyard boasts a medley of diverse and imaginative funeral architecture.
Oaxaca, Mexico

Post Mortem Chapel

The ruins of an abandoned church mingle with the graves at Oaxaca’s General Cemetery.
Veracruz, Mexico

Plaza of the Lebanese Migrant

A coastal monument honors one of Mexico's most notable immigrant groups.
Yanga, Mexico

'El Yanga'

A statue of the formerly enslaved person considered "the first liberator of the Americas" stands in the town named after him.
Xalapa, Mexico

Xalapa Museum of Anthropology

The largest collection of artifacts from the Olmec civilization, the mother culture of Mesoamerica.
La Gloria, Mexico

Little Boy Zero

Statue of Edgar Hernandez, the first victim of swine flu.