dee4di's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Places visited in Rennes-le-Château, France
Places visited in Maidstone, England
Places edited in Maidstone, England
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Chasseneuil-du-Poitou, France


France's high-tech, future-themed amusement park.
Paris, France

Le Droit Humain Masonic Lodge

The historic Masonic Lodge in which the first-ever female Mason was initiated.
Lumigny-Nesles-Ormeaux, France

Parc des Félins

A unique zoological park home to over 30 species of wild cats, both big and small.
La Rochelle, France

Nazi U-Boat Pens

A massive, secret marina for the Nazis' most formidable weapon in the Atlantic.
Leffrinckoucke, France

Leffrinckoucke Bunkers

These crumbling Nazi artillery bunkers are now fair game for massive graffiti projects.
Haute-Isle, France

Troglodyte Church

The Church of the Annunciation was carved into the face of a cliff, just like the rest of the town of Haute-Isle.
Paris, France

Georges Méliès's Grave

The final resting place of the "father of special effects."
Lyon, France

Testut-Latarjet Museum

Nicknamed the "Museum of Horrors," this French anatomical collection has been fascinating visitors for over a century.
Le Puy, France

Saint Michel d'Aiguilhe (St. Michael of the Needle)

A chapel on a volcanic core, marking the end of a successful journey.
Arles, France

Arles Amphitheatre

This ancient theater was once the home of fierce gladiatorial battles.
Lyon, France

Jardin Rosa Mir

A tiled, multi-level garden of survival in Lyon.
Saumur, France

Dolmen de Bagneux

A huge Megalithic chamber tomb located behind a cafe.
Villefranche-sur-Mer, France

The Rue Obscure

A medieval military street hidden beneath a charming French fishing village.
Souzay-Champigny, France

Parcours Troglodytique

Ivy-covered Medieval tunnels cut through this charming town in France's Loire Valley.
Paris, France

Jardin Alpin (Alpine Garden)

This recessed garden protects thousands of mountain plants by creating its own microclimates.
Paris, France

Cimetiere de Picpus

The headless bodies of more than 1,300 guillotined victims of the Reign of Terror are buried here in mass graves.
Paris, France

Chez Christiane

BDSM, 1930s Style.
Lyon, France

Astronomical Clock of Lyon

For hundreds of years, automatons moving to metallic music have been marking the passage of time.
Paris, France

Chapelle Notre Dame de la Medaille Miraculeuse

A popular shrine where the Blessed Virgin allegedly appeared in 1830, displaying a holy armchair and two incorruptible remains of Lady Saints.
Asque, France

Gourgue d'Asque

A French valley with forests so lush it was nicknamed "the Small Amazonia of the Pyrenees."
Saint-Ouen, France

Tombées du Camion

Stroll through retro Paris while shopping for old postcards and discarded doll heads.
Marseille, France

Château d'If

This historic island prison holds one of the dungeons from the Count of Monte Cristo even though it is a work of fiction.
Aigues-Mortes, France

Salin Aigues-Mortes

This salt marsh in Southern France is as pink as the flamingos that inhabit it.
Orniac, France

Musee de l'insolite (Museum of the Unusual)

An unusual, funny and fantastic open air museum.