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Places edited in Cluj-Napoca, Romania
Places edited in Bucharest, Romania
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Warsaw, Poland

Warsaw Uprising Monument

A tribute to the Polish insurgents who fought in the failed attempt to end their city's Nazi occupation.
Warsaw, Poland

Mały Powstaniec (The Little Insurrectionist)

A statue honors the children who fought Nazis in Poland.
Warsaw, Poland

Shrine of St. Thaddaeus

Hundreds of notes give thanks to the patron saint of lost causes.
Warsaw, Poland

Chopin's Heart

After the famous composer died in Paris, his sister snuck his heart out of the country to honor his wish that it be buried in their native country.
Warsaw, Poland

Nicolaus Copernicus Monument

The giant statue and its model solar system honor the native Pole who declared that the Earth revolves around the Sun.
Warsaw, Poland

Warsaw's Chopin Benches

Special benches that play Chopin's music are scattered throughout his native city.
Warsaw, Poland

'Greetings from Jerusalem Avenue'

An artificial date palm stands as a memorial to Warsaw's Jewish community.
Cluj-Napoca, Romania

St. Michael’s Church

This Transylvanian church has changed its denomination four times.
Cluj-Napoca, Romania

Museum of Pharmacy

Known as the Hintz House, this medieval pharmacy has been an apothecary's haven for nearly 450 years.
Cârța, Romania

Cârța Monastery

Climbing to the top of the cathedral's bell tower offers sweeping views of these medieval ruins.
Bran, Romania

Bran Castle

The possible imprisonment of Vlad the Impaler here earned the medieval castle its nickname, "Dracula's Castle."
Brașov, Romania

Transylvania's "Hollywood" Signs

The European towns of Brașov and Râșnov each have proud signs reminiscent of the Hollywood sign.
Brașov, Romania

Strada Sforii (Rope Street)

This snug medieval lane is one of the narrowest streets in the world.
Brașov, Romania

Biserica Neagră (The Black Church)

A fire once nearly devoured this gorgeous 14th-century Gothic cathedral.
Bucharest, Romania

Memorial of Rebirth

This memorial to the victims of the Romanian Revolution of 1989 is often compared to a potato on a skewer.
Bucharest, Romania

Trajan and Wolf Statue

One of the most controversial statues in Romania is an emperor with no clothes.
Bucharest, Romania

Relics of Zlătari Church

The preserved arm of a third-century sorcerer is believed to have the power to lift curses and spells.
Bucharest, Romania

Cărturești Carusel Bookstore

This once-derelict building is now one of the most beautiful bookstores in the world.
Bucharest, Romania

Curtea Veche (Old Princely Court)

The bust of Romania’s most notorious ruler, Vlad Dracula aka "Vlad the Impaler," keeps watch over the ruins of his medieval court.