flaneux's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Places visited in Nevada City, California
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San Francisco, California

Land’s End Octagon House

The one-time watch house for incoming ships at the Golden Gate now stands abandoned and hidden in trees.
San Francisco, California

The Tonga Room

Tiki luxury on Nob Hill.
San Francisco, California

Camera Obscura & Holograph Collection

A walk-in working camera obscura produces 360-degree live images of the San Francisco coast.
San Francisco, California

Albion Castle

A 140-year-old castle with underground caves hidden in San Francisco.
San Francisco, California

Audium Theatre of Sound-Sculptured Space

The only theatre in the world constructed specifically for sound movement.
San Francisco, California

Esmeralda Slide Park

A pair of slides and a tree-lined stair corridor have been an urban oasis for nearly 40 years.
San Francisco, California

Mescaline Grove

A favorite haunt of dinosaur loving children and hallucinogen loving hippies alike.
San Francisco, California

Institute of Illegal Images

A museum befitting the city responsible for supplying the majority of the world's LSD.
San Francisco, California

Magowan's Infinite Mirror Maze

A psychedelic labyrinth on the San Francisco bay.
San Francisco, California

The Wave Organ

A huge musical instrument played by the ocean.
Berlin, Germany

Arthouse Tacheles

An old department store turned Nazi prison turned artist commune.
Berlin, Germany

Wunderkammer Olbricht at me Collectors Room

A remarkable cabinet of curiosities in an art space in the center of Berlin.
Berlin, Germany

Ballhaus Riviera

The music is over at the Ballhaus Riviera Ballroom, but the ballroom remains in haunting disrepair.
Berlin, Germany

Peristal Singum

Fall down the rabbit hole into a surreal journey of human consciousness "from ass to soul."
Berlin, Germany

Artpark Tegel

This concrete residential area doubles as an open-air gallery.
Schönefeld, Germany

'Der Fall Daidalos und Ikaros' ('The Case of Daedalus and Icarus')

This curious sculpture represents the perseverance needed to take to the skies.
Berlin, Germany

Friedrichsfelde Socialist Cemetery

The final resting place of many of Germany's most famous communists.
Prague, Czechia

Jan Palach Memorial

Monument to a suicide protesting the Soviet invasion.
Prague, Czechia

Prague Pneumatic Post

The last municipal pneumatic post system in the world was in operation for over 100 years, and may run again.
Prague, Czechia

Statue of St. Wilgefortis

A crucified and bearded female saint.
Prague, Czechia

Statue of King Wenceslas Riding an Upside-Down Dead Horse

A mocking tribute to the past and modern leadership of Prague.
Prague, Czechia

Museum of Communism

This Prague museum collects brutalist relics and memories from the country's former Soviet rule.
Prague, Czechia


The risqué mixed-media sculptures are supposedly a metaphor for Czech politics.
Prague, Czechia

Cross Club

A steampunk-styled three-floor factory churning out art, activism, and electronic beats.