jacqeline's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Coventry, England

Coventry Cathedral Ruins

The bombed out remains of the old church were kept intact next to the new one, as a reminder of the futility of war.
London, England

Queen Caroline's Bath

The plunge pool is a surviving relic of a rowdy royal residence.
Milton Keynes, England

Bletchley Park

Home to Alan Turing, the cracking of the Enigma code, and Captain Ridley's shooting party.
Coventry, England

Lady Godiva and Peeping Tom Clock

Every hour on the hour a naked heroine and her leering foil appear from this giant cuckoo clock.
London, England

Monument to the Great Fire of London

The commemorative stone column conceals a secret laboratory.
Coventry, England

Caludon Castle Ruins

This ruin in a suburban park may be the place where Shakespeare's "A Midsummer Night's Dream" was first performed.
Kenilworth, England

Kenilworth Castle

This ruined medieval castle was the scene of Lord Robert Dudley’s seductive reception for Queen Elizabeth I.
Edinburgh, Scotland

The Scotsman Steps

The colorful stairs are made with marble from the world's major quarries.
York, England


One of the shortest streets in York has an especially odd name.
Coventry, England

'Coventry Doom'

This amazing 15th-century mural remained hidden in plain sight for centuries.
Brighton, England

Brighton Beach Flint Grotto

One fisherman has used his love of pebbles and shore to create a crazy garden of rocky art.
Derbyshire, England

The Upper Derwent Reservoirs

This chain of artificial lakes was an ideal test ground for the aircraft that would carry the "bouncing bombs" used by the WWII "Dambusters" squad.
London, England

Peace Garden at Tavistock Square

A quiet, semi-secret square with statues of Mahatma Gandhi, Virginia Woolf, and a conscientious objectors stone.
Airdrie, Scotland

Scotland's Secret Bunker

A nuclear bunker built to shelter the politicians and important people of Scotland in case of nuclear attack.
Coventry, England

Spon Street

A preserved block of timber buildings from the city's industrial era in the Middle Ages.
Brighton, England

West Pier

The rotting skeleton of a shoreside fun fair that was destroyed by fire and storms still haunts the Brighton ocean view.
Bletchley, England

National Museum of Computing

Museum celebrating the history of computers, especially their role in codebreaking.
London, England

The Golden Boy at Pye Corner

A portly statue of a golden boy commemorates an unusual cause of the Great Fire of London: the sin of gluttony.
London, England

The Soho Square Hut

The Tudor-style cottage in the middle of the square is not quite what it seems.
Brighton, England

Madeira Lift

Decrepit Victorian public lift is a white-knuckle ride.
Nottingham, England

Wollaton Hall

A striking 500-year-old mansion provides an unexpectedly sublime home for live deer and a menagerie of exotic stuffed animals.
Gotham, England

The Original Gotham

The storied English village that pretended to be insane inspired NYC's nickname and the fictional namesake in the DC Comics universe.
Dudley, England

The Crooked House

This pub can leave even the sober feeling slightly unsteady.
Edinburgh, Scotland

Mons Meg

A six-ton wedding present for the King of the Scots.