Josh's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Apt, France

Chapelle de la Santonne

One man's desire to transcend art led to the construction of this outsider chapel.
Dives-sur-Mer, France

La Maison Bleue

Personal garden filled with mosaics made of recycled garbage.
Chartres, France

La Maison Picassiette

A mosaic-tiled house built by graveyard sweeper Raymond Isidore.
Apalachicola, Florida

John Gorrie Ice Machine Museum

Of course the guy with the first patent for an ice machine lived in Florida.
Tottori-shi, Japan

The Sand Museum

Giant sand sculptures of famous people and places are on display near the Tottori sand dunes.
Suzdal', Russia

Museum of Wooden Architecture and Peasant Life

300-year-old villagers houses and traditional churches preserve a nearly lost piece of Russian history.
Prague, Czechia

Franz Kafka Museum

An eerie, existential museum dedicated to the author of "The Metamorphosis."
Bronx, New York

Banana Ripening Facility

Despite not growing anywhere near New York City, bananas are ripened in a pressurized room in the Bronx using precise banana science.
Amsterdam, Netherlands

Biblioteca Ets Haim

The world's oldest Jewish library was founded by Sephardic Jews in 17th century Amsterdam.
Washington, D.C.

Flag Office Elevator

The elevator that makes it possible to fly American flags in bulk over the U.S. Capitol
Washington, D.C.

National Bonsai Museum

One of the dwarven trees dates back to 1625 and survived the Hiroshima bombing.
Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia

International Intellectual and Puzzle Museum

An institution dedicated to curiosity, logic, riddles, and Mongolia's long history of puzzles.
Tokyo, Japan


Every color in the rainbow awaits.
Dolní Morava, Czechia

Dolní Morava Sky Walk

The world's greatest slide descends 18 stories from this looping mountaintop viewing platform.
Khumjung, Nepal

The Yeti Scalp of Khumjung

A Himalayan monastery claims to have a piece of a centuries-old abominable snowman.
Waxhaw, North Carolina

The Museum of the Alphabet

Trace the history of writing at this unusual North Carolina destination.
Romagne-Sous-Montfaucon, France

Romagne 14-18

A unique museum tells the story of the day-to-day life of World War I soldiers.
Inaccessible Island

Inaccessible Island

It might not be as impossible to reach as its name would imply, but just about.
Mahabalipuram, India

Krishna's Butter Ball

This precariously balanced boulder is said to be a hunk of stolen butter dropped by the gods.
New York, New York

Brooklyn Bridge Fallout Shelter

There’s a secret bunker inside the Brooklyn Bridge, but the city won’t say where.
Brooklyn, New York

Crown Finish Caves

Underground vaults of a former brewery beneath Brooklyn's Crown Heights are now used to ripen cheese.
London, England

The Great Bed of Ware

This intricately carved and hilariously huge bed was such a famous symbol both Shakespeare and Byron used it in their writing.
Narusawa-mura, Japan

Narusawa Hyoketsu (Ice Cave)

A 70-foot-deep ice cave formed by lava from Mt. Fuji on the edge of Japan's "Suicide Forest." 
South Hadley, Massachusetts

Joseph Allen Skinner Museum

One philanthropist's extensive collection of knick-knacks and curiosities is now a public museum of oddity.