Kelly Bryson's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Kelly Bryson's activity rankings
Places visited in Shiraz, Iran
Places visited in Sausalito, California
Places visited in Fars Province, Iran
Places visited in Villahermosa, Mexico
Places visited in Casma District, Peru
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New York, New York

Roosevelt Island Tramway

One of only two commuter aerial tramways in the United States.
New York, New York

Marilyn Monroe's Subway Grate

This unmarked and unloved Manhattan subway grate created one of the most iconic images in American cinema.
New York, New York

The Little Church Around the Corner

This Fifth Avenue church has long been the favored worshiping place of Broadway actors and vaudeville performers.
Calistoga, California

California's Old Faithful

California's own majestic geyser is powered by a subterranean volcano.
Fort Bragg, California

International Sea Glass Museum

Celebrating the transformation of trash into objects of beauty.
Fort Bragg, California

Glass Beach

A trash dump made beautiful by nature's power.
San Francisco, California

Seward Street Slides

Bring your own cardboard to the slippery slopes of concrete hidden in a neighborhood park.
Berkeley, California

Takara Sake Museum

The only museum of sake in the United States is nestled in an unlikely California college town.
San Francisco, California

Tobin House

Half of a house.
San Francisco, California

The 'Full House' House

This private residence was the template for one of the most beloved television homes of all time.
San Francisco, California

McElroy Octagon House

One of few lasting examples of the brief octagon craze that developed into folly.
San Francisco, California

Land’s End Octagon House

The one-time watch house for incoming ships at the Golden Gate now stands abandoned and hidden in trees.
San Francisco, California

Yoda Fountain

There is no trying to fall in love with this Star Wars fountain, you just do or do not.
San Francisco, California

The Wave Organ

A huge musical instrument played by the ocean.
Belvedere Tiburon, California

Lava House

An abandoned, unfinished mansion on grounds strewn with lava rocks.
Mill Valley, California

Dad O'Rourke's Bench

One man's love of natural beauty led to the creation of this hidden granite monument.
Kayenta, Arizona

Mystery Valley

Ancestral Puebloan ruins, natural arches, and box canyons abound in this seldom-visited corner of Monument Valley Navajo Tribal Park.
Dolores, Colorado

Canyons of the Ancients

A breathtaking array of ancient Pueblo structures and artifacts counterintuitively preserved by neglect.