Kelly Bryson's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Places visited in Shiraz, Iran
Places visited in Sausalito, California
Places visited in Fars Province, Iran
Places visited in Villahermosa, Mexico
Places visited in Casma District, Peru
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Madrid, Spain

Peironcely 10

An iconic photograph from the Spanish Civil War saved this shrapnel-scarred historic house from destruction.
Madrid, Spain

Madrid's Walk of Fame

Just like in Hollywood, Madrid has also a forgotten walk of fame.
Madrid, Spain

Our Lady of Almudena Cemetery

Five million people are laid to rest here, more than the population of Madrid itself.
Manzanares el Real, Spain

The Ibex of La Pedriza

This species of wild goat stars in witchy legends and frolics among the park's eerie rock formations.
Madrid, Spain

Caños del Peral Archaeological Museum

This small museum tucked within a subway station holds pieces from Madrid's past.
Madrid, Spain

San Antonio de los Alemanes

The little church's beautifully frescoed ceiling has earned it the nickname “the Sistine Chapel of Madrid.”
Madrid, Spain

Museo Lazaro Galdiano

This small and often-overlooked museum holds some of Spain's finest artistic treasures.
Madrid, Spain

Olmec Head Roundabout

An exact replica of a colossal Olmec head sits atop a pyramid within a Madrid traffic circle.
Madrid, Spain

Fountain of the Fallen Angel

Commonly acknowledged as the only public monument to the Devil himself.
Madrid, Spain

Real Jardin Botanico

Over two centuries old and counting, Madrid's massive botanical garden contains one of Europe's only desert environments.
Madrid, Spain

Juan de la Cosa Map

The earliest known map to show America, discovered by accident at a Paris bookshop.
Madrid, Spain

Air Crash

A whimsical brother of the nearby Fallen Angel statue takes the falling part quite literally.
Madrid, Spain

Sobrino de Botin

The oldest restaurant in the world is this old-world Spanish eatery, still known for its suckling pig.
Madrid, Spain

Chamberí Ghost Station

Abandoned for decades, trains still pass through the now-restored remains of one of Madrid's first metro stations.
Kuta Selatan, Indonesia

Garuda Wisnu Kencana Statue

It took 28 years to build this massive statue of the Hindu god Vishnu riding a mythical bird.
Baturiti, Indonesia

Ghost Palace Hotel

An abandoned hotel in the highlands of Bali is shrouded in stories of ghosts, curses, and corruption.
Viyar, Iran

Dashkasan Dragon Temple

Two Chinese dragons guard the caves of this medieval temple in Iran.
Qom, Iran

Fatemeh Maasoume Shrine

One of the holiest Shi'i shrines in Iran honors the life and death of a learned noblewoman who became a saint.
Yazd, Iran

Dolat Abad Windcatcher

Long before air conditioning, Persian architects found an ingenious way to cool off.

Khalid Nabi Cemetery

Iranian tombstones shaped like male and female sexual organs.
Saryazd, Iran

Sar Yazd Castle

This ancient fortress in Iran was once the oldest and largest treasury in the world.


The tower in this 1,000-year-old mud-brick village seems to vibrate for no apparent reason.
Kerman, Iran

Lut Desert (Dasht-e Lut)

The hottest, driest, and most scenic desert on Earth.
Sirjan, Iran

Stone Garden

Hundreds of stones dangle from barren trees in the middle of the desert.