Kelly Bryson's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Places visited in Shiraz, Iran
Places visited in Sausalito, California
Places visited in Fars Province, Iran
Places visited in Villahermosa, Mexico
Places visited in Casma District, Peru
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Deir-e Gachin Caravanserai

One of the largest and oldest caravansaries in Persia.
Kandovan, Iran

Troglodyte Village of Kandovan

Modern-day cave dwellers carve elaborate homes out of volcanic debris.
Nashtifan, Iran

Nashtifan Windmills

The vertical-axis windmills of ancient Persia have been grinding flour for 1,000 years and counting.
Kish, Iran


Hydraulic systems in an ancient underground Iranian city.

Radkan Tower

A sophisticated astronomical tower built by one of the greatest Persian scholars of the Islamic Golden Age.
Roudbar Alamout, Iran

Alamut Castle

This ruined fortress was the stronghold for a persecuted medieval leader and his infamous Assassins.
Nushabad, Iran

Nushabad Underground City

A 1,500-year-old, 3-story subterranean city where ancient Persians took refuge in times of war.
Orost, Iran

Badab-e Surt

Iran's colorful terraces are a rare geological masterpiece.
Shinile, Ethiopia

Hadar Archaeological Site

The skeletal remains of the famous hominid "Lucy" were found at this spot.
Afar Zone 1, Ethiopia

The Afar Rift

An ocean in the making, in the Ethiopian desert.
Afar Zone 2, Ethiopia

Erta Ale

Ethiopia's "smoking mountain" is in one of the hottest regions on the planet and is home to two lava lakes.
Milan, Italy

Shoah Memorial of Milan

The train platform where Jews were sent to concentration camps is now preserved as a Holocaust memorial.
Milan, Italy

Antichi Vizi

Nestled in the heart of Milan is a real wunderkammer of morbid curiosities.
Milan, Italy

Fondazione Prada

A space dedicated to contemporary art and culture, co-chaired by fashion icon Miuccia Prada.
Milan, Italy

Royal Pavilion at Stazione Centrale

An exclusive waiting room built for the royal family in the 1920s is hidden in Milan’s central station.
Milan, Italy

Palazzo Berri-Meregalli

This curious building hides eclectic details like medieval gargoyles alongside naked angels and Art Nouveau mosaics.
Baga, India

Calangute Market Square

Known as the "Queen of Beach Markets," Calangute epitomizes Goa's beach flea market scene.
Mumbai, India

Mumbai's Parsi Fire Temples

The place of worship for Zoroastrians, Mumbai's Parsi fire temples use fire and ash for purification.
Shiroda, India

Shri Dev Vetoba Temple

A peculiar idol to the Hindu King of Ghosts demands fine leather footwear in exchange for warding off evil.
Kolkata, India

Nipponzan Myohoji

This overlooked Japanese Buddhist temple is a respite from the bustle of Kolkata.
Burhanpur, India

Shahi Qila

A fresco in this magnificent palace is said to have been the first depiction of the Taj Mahal's design.
Mahendragarh, India

Mukundpura Baoli

This diminutive yet beautiful local stepwell once yielded enough water to irrigate the lush fields of the village.
Mumbai, India

The Magen David Synagogue

In Mumbai, a bright blue synagogue is the largest one for the Baghdadi Jewish community in Asia.
Panaji, India


This colorful colonial neighborhood in Panjim is one of the only Latin Quarters in Asia.