Kelly Bryson's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Places visited in Shiraz, Iran
Places visited in Sausalito, California
Places visited in Fars Province, Iran
Places visited in Villahermosa, Mexico
Places visited in Casma District, Peru
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Sintra, Portugal

Castelo dos Mouros (Castle of the Moors)

An ancient and majestic fortress that played an integral role in Portugal's road to independence.
Big Pool, Maryland

Fort Frederick

A star fort along the C&O Canal in western Maryland that protected America in three wars.

Toad's Mouth

The view from this giant Stone Age toad is unexpectedly beautiful.
Leuk, Switzerland

Leuk Charnel House

For centuries no one knew there were hundreds of bones and precious artwork hidden beneath this Swiss church.
Natales, Chile

Glacier Republic

An unrecognized micronation declared by Greenpeace to protect the glaciers of Chile.
Lord Howe Island, Australia

Lord Howe Island's Time

In a strange timezone anomaly, Daylight Saving Time here sets the clocks forward just 30 minutes.
Soroca, Moldova

Gypsy Hill

Elaborate mansions built by Roma residents in Soroca to show their success after centuries of discrimination.
Trakošćan, Croatia

Trakošćan Castle

This Croatian fairytale castle is slowly falling apart thanks to years of neglect.
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Ilha Fiscal

This Brazilian palace island was once the site of the last grand ball before revolution.
La Pompe, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines

Petit Nevis Whaling Station

This century old flensing port is a remnant of a culture for whom whaling is still legal.
Eleele, Hawaii

Kauai Glass Beach

This industrial area was the dumping ground for massive amounts of trash, some of which washes up as tiny bits of sea glass.
Leiden, Netherlands

Leiden Stones

A trio of red, white, and blue stones embedded in the streets of Leiden are markers of medieval territory and law.
Pine, Arizona

Tonto Natural Bridge

The largest natural travertine bridge in the world is nestled in a small canyon in central Arizona.
Tonnerre, France

Fosse Dionne

This natural French spring has been turned into a magical grotto by Roman and medieval constructions.
Cody, Wyoming

Smith Mansion

One man's ambition created this psychedelic log home.
Eureka, California

Duluwat Island Plaque

A simple plaque remembers a California island massacre that claimed more than 100 lives.
Kaymaklı Belediyesi, Turkey

Kaymaklı Underground City

While not Turkey's deepest underground city, this subterranean redoubt is the largest.
Herrnbaumgarten, Austria


The world's largest collection of intentionally useless inventions.
Atkinson, Dominica

The Rock at Pagua

A flower grows on this giant stone that is said be able to control minds.
Thatta, Pakistan

Makli Hill

One of the largest necropolises in the world is home to a stunning array of historic Middle Eastern tombs.
Acre, Israel

Rosh HaNikra Grottoes

The bluer than blue waters in these natural Israeli caves are reached via the world's steepest cable car.
London, England

Dirac Equation

The "beautiful" equation predicting the movement of all electromagnetic particles is engraved in front of Newton's tomb.
Angle Inlet, Minnesota

Northwest Angle

America's silhouette includes 100 square miles of wilderness jutting into Canada thanks to an old mapmaking error.
Buckinghamshire, England

Stoke Park Golf and Country Club

Site of the golf match between James Bond and Goldfinger.