Kelly Bryson's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Kelly Bryson's activity rankings
Places visited in Shiraz, Iran
Places visited in Sausalito, California
Places visited in Fars Province, Iran
Places visited in Villahermosa, Mexico
Places visited in Casma District, Peru
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Hillsboro, New Mexico

Lake Valley Historic Townsite

Crumbling remnants of what was once a booming town full of silver.
Mills, New Mexico

Kiowa National Grassland

Adobe ruins punctuate the beauty of an 800 foot canyon carved by the Canadian River.
Farmington, New Mexico

Crow Canyon Petroglyphs

One of the American Southwest's most extensive collections of Navajo rock art.
Las Cruces, New Mexico

Prehistoric Trackways National Monument

Wee (and not so wee) footprints that insects and reptiles of the Paleozoic Era left behind.
Santa Fe, New Mexico

Girard Wing

A sprawling collection of over 106,000 toys from around the world.
Jemez Springs, New Mexico

Kasha-Katuwe Tent Rocks National Monument

A unique geological area spiked with wind-carved rocks that resemble teepees.
Los Alamos, New Mexico

Bandelier National Monument

A small metropolis of Pueblo cave dwellings have been carved right into the hillside of this national monument.
Santa Fe, New Mexico

La Cieneguilla Petroglyph Site

These Pre-Columbian petroglyphs contain representations of birds, deer, hunters, and even some early Native flute players.
Carlsbad, New Mexico

Lechuguilla Cave

A cave's rare beauty held a cavernous secret hidden underground.
Bloomfield, New Mexico

Ah-Shi-Sle-Pah Wilderness Study Area

The land is full of geologic eye candy, such as otherworldly spires, mushroom-shaped hoodoos, and prehistoric fossils.
Santa Rosa, New Mexico

Santa Rosa Blue Hole

A clear blue swimming hole with hidden caves, still unexplored.
Janitzio, Mexico

Statue of José Maria Morelos

Climb through the life of a Mexican hero as you ascend a 130-foot statue.
Tlalnepantla, Mexico

The Pyramid of Santa Cecilia Acatitlán

This partially reconstructed Aztec pyramid gives a glimpse of what its larger counterparts would have looked like.
Puebla, Mexico

Casa del Títere (House of Puppets)

A former factory hosts an amazing collection of Mexican marionettes.
San Juan Teotihuacan de Arista, Mexico

Quetzalpapálotl Palace

Dating back to the second century, vestiges of prehispanic mural paintings are found in this underground palace.
Tlalnepantla, Mexico

'Tomb of the Years' at Tenayuca Pyramid

An archaeological museum at the Aztec pyramid displays signs of the New Fire ritual performed every 52 years.
Mexico City, Mexico

CCEMx Site Museum

The remains of an Aztec school and various intriguing artifacts lie below a modern cultural center.
Zacatecas, Mexico

Petroteca of San Agustín

Fragments of the former temple's lost facade are now displayed in a strange library of stones.
Malinalco, Mexico

House of the Eagles

The ruins of a former sanctuary for elite Aztec warriors.
Mexico City, Mexico

Pyramid of Cuicuilco

This ancient structure was built by a mysterious civilization that was largely destroyed by a volcanic eruption.
Malinalco, Mexico

Murals of the Parish of the Divine Savior

These colonial murals are a fascinating hybrid of Spanish and Indigenous aesthetics.
Monte Albán, Mexico

Monte Albán

These sacred Mesoamerican ruins feature peculiar petroglyphs hidden in the stones.
Mexico City, Mexico

The Source of the Risco

An extravagant 18th-century fountain built with bits of broken ceramic.
Mexico City, Mexico

Ocelotl Cuauhxicalli

This colossal ancient jaguar sculpture was used as a vessel for the hearts torn from sacrificial victims.