krumplisteszta's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Milan, Italy

Antichi Vizi

Nestled in the heart of Milan is a real wunderkammer of morbid curiosities.
Milan, Italy

Lucrezia Borgia’s Love Letters

"The prettiest love letters in the world" ... or so said Lord Byron.
Milan, Italy

BackDoor 43

One of the world’s smallest bars, just 13 square feet, is brimming with speakeasy flair.
Kranjska Gora, Slovenia

'Ajdovska Deklica' ('Heathen Maiden')

An unmistakable facial pareidolia in the Julian Alps also includes a fantastic tale.
Venice, Italy

San Servolo Insane Asylum Museum

Venice's "Island of the Mad."
Bomarzo, Italy

The Monsters of Bomarzo

A 16th-century horror show built in a lovely Italian garden.
Rome, Italy

Mirabilia Gallery

A wunderkammer of curious objects and intriguing art nestled within a hub of ancient Roman sites.
Rome, Italy

Museum of the Holy Souls in Purgatory

A collection of objects supposedly singed by the hands of souls in purgatory.
Rome, Italy

Saint Victoria's Incorruptible Body

The martyr's wax-enhanced skeletal remains lie preserved in a glass case in the Santa Maria della Vittoria in Rome.
Rome, Italy

Passetto di Borgo

The Pope’s secret escape route.
Rome, Italy

Mausoleum of Augustus

This large, circular tomb is the final resting place of the first emperor of Rome.
Rome, Italy

St. Valentine's Skull

The skull of the patron saint of lovers lies in the Basilica di Santa Maria in Cosmedin—maybe.
Rome, Italy

Domus Aurea

The engineering wonder and pleasure dome of a much-maligned emperor still holds undiscovered secrets.
Rome, Italy

The Mithraeum at Circus Maximus

The underground sanctuary of a mysterious ancient cult.
Rome, Italy

Pons Fabricius

This is the oldest Roman-made bridge in the city still existing in its original state.
Rome, Italy

The Wax-Encased Remains of Blessed Anna Maria Taigi

The mystic whose incorrupt corpse still attracts the faithful.
Rome, Italy

Pasticceria Boccione

In Rome’s Jewish ghetto, a 200-year-old bakery still makes the neighborhood’s historic sweets.
Rome, Italy

Casa Romuli

These hut foundations are believed to be the residence of Romulus, founder of Rome.
Rome, Italy

Vicus Caprarius

A forgotten "city of water" underneath the famous Trevi district.
Wasserauen, Switzerland

Berggasthaus Aescher Wildkirchli

This 170-year-old Swiss guesthouse built into the side of a mountain is best accessed by a cable car.
Degersheim, Switzerland

Dreamfactory's World of Wonders

A Swiss magician's vault of oddities.
Rome, Italy

Madama Lucrezia

This statue is the only female representation of Rome's "talking statues."
Rome, Italy

Tomba di Nerone (Tomb of Nero)

Known for centuries as the famous Roman emperor's burial place, this monument is actually something else.
Rome, Italy

Museo Storico Nazionale Dell' Arte Sanitaria

One of the most important yet well-hidden museums dedicated to the history of medicine.