lasvegashoosier's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Places visited in Nelson, Nevada
Places added to Goldfield, Nevada
Places edited in Goldfield, Nevada
Places added to Joshua Tree, California
Places added to Las Vegas, Nevada
Places edited in Jerome, Arizona
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Herriman, Utah

The "Up" House

A replica that won't float away.
Springdale, Utah

The Narrows

The hike through a narrow river flanked by the 2,000-foot-tall walls of Zion Canyon is one of the best in the world.
Bryce, Utah

Bryce Canyon

Giant, natural amphitheaters made of delicate geological formations called "hoodoos."
Las Vegas, Nevada

Johnston's J-Bar-B Stables

A private Las Vegas horse ranch adorned with whimsical artwork.
Mount Charleston, Nevada

Silent Heroes of the Cold War National Memorial

A memorial to the unknown and unheralded men and women of the Cold War military and intelligence services.
Las Vegas, Nevada

Erotic Heritage Museum

Thousands of artifacts relating to human sexuality, including the world's largest sex bike.
Boulder City, Nevada

Winged Figures of the Republic

A Norwegian-born sculptor created these soaring guardian angels at the entrance to Hoover Dam.
Las Vegas, Nevada

Flamingo Habitat

An exotic wildlife habitat right off The Strip.
Las Vegas, Nevada

The Big Edge

A giant open-air sculpture made of over 200 full-sized boats.
Beatty, Nevada

Tom Kelly's Bottle House

The most magnificent bottle house in a town strangely full of them.
Nelson, Nevada

Techatticup Mine

This famous Nevada gold mine, once a hotbed of Wild West shenanigans, is now open for tours.
Beatty, Nevada

Albert Szukalski's Last Supper

Twelve plaster figures inspired by da Vinci's famed painting haunt the desert landscape above a real-life ghost town.
Baker, Nevada

Lehman Caves

A gothic palace of endless stalagmites and pseudoscorpions waits within one of the world's most beautiful caves.
Overton, Nevada

Lost City Museum

Preserving the remains of Native American cultures which otherwise would have been submerged behind Hoover Dam.
Amargosa Valley, Nevada

Devil's Hole

Water of undetermined depth has attracted rare fish and cult leaders alike.
Las Vegas, Nevada

Frankie's Tiki Room

The best Tiki bar in Las Vegas.
Sloan, Nevada

Seven Magic Mountains

Brightly colored 30-foot-tall totems light up the desert sky just outside Las Vegas.
Holbrook, Arizona

The Wigwam Village #6

A motel dedicated to Southwestern nostalgia.
Mesa Verde National Park, Colorado

Mesa Verde National Park

The ancient dwellings of the Puebloans, located in the cliffs of majestic mesas.
Phoenix, Arizona

Mystery Castle

A self-built castle made by a mysterious man.
Lake Havasu City, Arizona

Lake Havasu's London Bridge

This immigrant bridge once spanned the Thames but is now a fixture of an Arizona city.
Hesperia, California

Summit Inn Restaurant

The last Americana on Route 66.
Chichen Itza, Mexico

Pyramid of Kukulcan at Chich'en Itza

Every equinox this Maya pyramid puts on a spooky ancient light show.
Chichen Itza, Mexico

El Caracol

No telescopes, no power, no gift shop: The Observatory of Chichen Itza, one of the world's oldest observatories, takes astronomy back to basics.