Leininho's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Afar Zone 1, Ethiopia

The Afar Rift

An ocean in the making, in the Ethiopian desert.
Bale Mountains National Park, Ethiopia

Manyate Coffee Village

An Ethiopian cloud forest protects some of the last wild arabica plants.

Lake Abbe

A salt lake dotted with steaming limestone chimneys.
Dire Dawa, Ethiopia

Chemin de Fer Railway Museum

Rusting railcars and locomotive equipment fill this Ethiopian train graveyard.

The Milky Seas

The world's largest bioluminescent area was undiscovered by science until 2005.
Berbera, Somalia

Berbera Shipwrecks

A surprising number of shipwrecks visible just off the Somaliland coast.
Tomar, Portugal

Convento de Cristo

The medieval castle built as headquarters for the Pope's secretive Knights Templar.
Fátima, Portugal

Pegadas de Dinossáurios da Serra de Aire Natural Monument

The ancient sauropod tracks found in this former quarry are some of the largest in the world.
Almoinhos, Portugal

Fortaleza de Juromenha

This abandoned fortress still stands guard over the Guadiana River despite a history of warfare.
Ashgabat, Turkmenistan

Turkmenbashi's Land of Fairy Tales

An eccentric dictator's take on a Turkmen version of Disneyland.
Ashgabat, Turkmenistan

Wedding Palace

If you want to get married in the White Marble City of Ashgabat, you should do it in this surreal disco ball building.
Gokdepe, Turkmenistan

Saparmurat Hajji Mosque

A memorial to the thousands of Turkmen soldiers and civilians who died in a bloody 1881 battle.
Gokdepe, Turkmenistan

Köw Ata Underground Lake

This cavernous swimming spot doubles as a home to the largest known colony of bats in Central Asia.
Bukhara, Uzbekistan

Kalyan Minaret

This "tower of death" has acted as an observatory, a religious hub, and an executioner's lair.
Xiva, Uzbekistan

Walls of Itchan Kala

Ancient barriers wrap around what was once an important stop along the Silk Road.
Beruni, Uzbekistan


These "50 Fortresses" have been unearthed in the ancient oasis of Khwarezm.
Nukus, Uzbekistan

Chilpik Tower of Silence

The ruins of an ancient Zoroastrian Tower of Silence believed to be the earliest example of the traditional funerary practice.
Balkanabat, Turkmenistan

Yangykala Canyon

Few people have ever heard of, let alone visited, one of Turkmenistan’s most impressive natural attractions.

Dekhistan Ruins

The remains of a medieval city loom in one of the most isolated desert regions of Turkmenistan.
Kerman, Iran

Lut Desert (Dasht-e Lut)

The hottest, driest, and most scenic desert on Earth.
Merv, Turkmenistan

Ancient Merv

This famed Silk Road oasis was one of the largest cities in the world before it was destroyed by a Mongol horde.
Kato Kastania, Greece

Kastania Cave

This remarkable cave was discovered after a shepherd watched bees enter and exit through a small fissure.
Laconia, Greece


This wrecked ghost ship has been rusting on a Greek beach since the 1980s.
Sparta, Greece


The ruins of an abandoned medieval city where the last Byzantine emperor was crowned.