Leininho's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Jaca, Spain

Monastery of San Juan de la Peña

This religious complex carved into a cliff is steeped in legends of miraculous stags and the Holy Grail.
Zugarramurdi, Spain

Cave of Zugarramurdi

This Navarrese cave's history of witchcraft and pagan ritual is not just embraced, but recreated each year.
San Pedro, Spain

San Pedro de Cervatos Erotic Carvings

A small church ornamented with medieval erotic sculptures.
Ansignan, France

Pont-Aqueduc d'Ansignan

A functioning Roman-era aqueduct and bridge in rural southwest France.
Bugarach, France


Small French town or alien garage?
Nébias, France

Labyrinthe Vert de Nebias

Green labyrinth formed by a karstic maze hidden in a preserved oak forest.
Bélesta, France

Fontaine Intermittente de Fontestorbes

Every half hour, the flow of this unusual spring cycles between a rush of water and barely a trickle.
Montségur, France

Château de Montségur

This French castle is said to have once held the Holy Grail but is now a gorgeous mountaintop ruin.
Sers, France

Pic du Midi Observatory

This futuristic observatory at the top of the Pyrénées offers unrivaled views.
Lourdes, France

Basilica of St. Pius X

Beneath the city of Lourdes, France is a massive, concrete church.
La Rochelle, France

Nazi U-Boat Pens

A massive, secret marina for the Nazis' most formidable weapon in the Atlantic.
Le Château-d'Olonne, France

Le Puits d'Enfer (The Well of Hell)

This crack in France's seaside cliffs once hid a sinister secret.
Machecoul, France

Château de Machecoul

The ruins of a medieval castle linked to the murderous French lord that inspired the famous legend of Bluebeard.
Nantes, France

l'Île de Versailles Jardin Japonais

This small island, a byproduct of 19th-century canal construction, is now home to a charming Japanese garden.
Couëron, France

House in the Loire

The sunken structure looks like the victim of a catastrophic flood.
Saint-Jean-de-Boiseau, France

The Grotesques of the Chapel of Bethlehem

Do these monsters look familiar? The gargoyles on this church are all from pop culture.
Saint-Brevin-les-Pins, France

Serpent D'Océan

An aluminum skeleton brings Chinese mythology to the French shore.
Tréguennec, France

Treguennec Pebble Crusher

The haunting concrete remains of a Nazi pebble crusher can still be found in this small French commune.
Saint-Rivoal, France

Mont Saint-Michel de Brasparts

An isolated 17th-century chapel on a remarkable site once dedicated to Celtic sun worship.
Lanleff, France

Temple de Lanleff

The precise origins of this pink sandstone temple are unknown.
Saint-Malo, France

Quelmer Boat Graveyard

Old vessels have been transformed into artistic canvases in this unusual cemetery.
Saint-Malo, France

Grand Bé

On this romantic tidal island reachable only at low tide the tomb of a famous French writer overlooks the sea.
Pirou, France

Pirou-Plage Ghost Village

An abandoned beach resort in Normandy reclaimed by artists.
Arromanches-les-Bains, France

Mulberry Harbour at Arromanches

Remains of the artificial harbours invented for the Allied invasion of Normandy can still be seen at sea.