Leininho's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Estella, Spain

Park of the Sleepless (El Parque de los Desvelados)

A landscape decorated with enormous skull sculptures.
Fábrica de Orbaitzeta, Spain

Munitions Factory of Orbaitzeta

Abandoned 18th century weapons factory in the Aezkoa Valley.
Puentedey, Spain

Natural Arch Bridge

A charming Spanish village sits atop this natural limestone overpass.
Cabezón de la Sal, Spain

Bosque De Secuoyas (Redwood Forest)

An out-of-place grove of sequoias thrives in northern Spain.
Coruño, Spain

Church of Skate

This century-old ruined temple was reborn as "The Church of Skate."
Proaza, Spain

Cercado Osero

A mountain path passes by several sprawling enclosures home to a pair of rescued brown bears.
Asturias, Spain

Villa Excelsior

An abandoned Indian-inspired mansion.
Ribadeo, Spain

Playa de las Catedrales

Natural stone arches form a walkable "cathedral" at low tide, then disappear entirely when the water returns.
A Coruña, Spain

Menhires Pola Paz

Giant granite sculptures representing family on the northern coast of Spain.
Santiago de Compostela, Spain

Shadow Pilgrim

An accidental trick of light casts the perfect shadow of a pilgrim of the Camino de Santiago against the cathedral wall.
O Grove, Spain

Shell Church of A Toxa

A 12th century church completely covered in shells.