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Places edited in Milan, Italy
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Saudi Arabia

Mount Horeb

Site where Moses may have received the Ten Commandments.
Tahouitet El Ghadir, Lebanon

Moussa Castle

Lebanese castle built by one man, over a lifetime.
Jbeil, Lebanon

Byblos Archaeological Site

A patchwork of ruins from various civilizations in one of the world's oldest continually inhabited cities.
Baalbek, Lebanon

Baalbek Trilithon

The largest hewn stone in history.
Beirut, Lebanon

The Grudge (Al Ba’sa)

Beirut's thinnest building was the result of feuding brothers.
Neyshabur, Iran

Omar Khayyam Mausoleum

The beautifully designed resting place of Iran's national poet is a masterpiece of modern Persian architecture.

Pir-e-Sabz Fire Temple (Chak Chak)

This remote mountain shrine is one of the most sacred Zoroastrian temples remaining in the world.
Kish, Iran

Greek Ship

This steamship has been beautifully rusting off the coast of an Iranian island since the 1960s.
Tabriz, Iran

Grand Bazaar of Tabriz

The largest covered bazaar in the world.
Ramhormoz, Iran

Tashkooh Burning Hill

Leaking natural gas never stops burning on this hill, making it an infinite inferno.
Tabriz, Iran

Painted Mountains of Tabriz

Colorful mineral deposits turn these mountains into an Impressionist fantasy.
Viyar, Iran

Dashkasan Dragon Temple

Two Chinese dragons guard the caves of this medieval temple in Iran.

Khalid Nabi Cemetery

Iranian tombstones shaped like male and female sexual organs.
Isfahan, Iran

Khaju Bridge

This 17th-century structure is a beautiful testimony to traditional Persian architecture
Shooshtar, Iran

Shushtar Historical Hydraulic System

This beautiful system of tunnels built into natural rock serves as a centuries old plumbing system.
Kish, Iran


Hydraulic systems in an ancient underground Iranian city.
Isfahan, Iran

Pigeon Towers of Iran

These little castles each held thousands of pigeons.
Shiraz, Iran

Eram Garden

Named after a legendary garden called Eram in southern Arabia, built by order of Shaddad, an Arab king who wanted to compete with Paradise.
East Azerbaijan Province, Iran

Lake Urmia

This lake in northwest Iran has started turning from green to red more frequently than scientists are comfortable with.

Tomb of Cyrus

This ancient burial site is believed to be one of the first earthquake-protected structures in the world.
Hormuz, Iran

Hormuz Island

The colorful soil of Iran’s "Rainbow Island" attracts artists and nature lovers.
Kerman, Iran

Lut Desert (Dasht-e Lut)

The hottest, driest, and most scenic desert on Earth.
Nashtifan, Iran

Nashtifan Windmills

The vertical-axis windmills of ancient Persia have been grinding flour for 1,000 years and counting.

Radkan Tower

A sophisticated astronomical tower built by one of the greatest Persian scholars of the Islamic Golden Age.