megankass's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Lier, Belgium

The Zimmer Clock Tower and Museum

A 14th-century fortified keep showcases the masterpieces of an ingenious 20th-century clockmaker.
Brussels, Belgium

Maison de la Bellone

This modern arts center is built around a gem of late-Baroque architecture.
Chaudfontaine, Belgium

Giant Clothespin Sculpture

Sculpture designed by Turkish artist and professor Mehmet Ali Uysal.
Ypres, Belgium

Sanctuary Wood Museum

A rare example of World War I trenches from the British front.
Brussels, Belgium

Zinneke Pis

Meet the bronze beloved pet to a family of famous peeing statues.
Liège, Belgium

The Lucifer of Liège

A marble Lucifer hides behind the pulpit of this Gothic cathedral.
Remouchamps, Belgium

Caves of Remouchamps

Hiding the longest subterranean river known in the world.
Brussels, Belgium

Délirium Café

Cozy basement bar sports an inventory of over 2,000 beers.
Brussels, Belgium

The Musical Instrument Museum

Three floors of musical instruments coming from all corners of the world and hundreds of years of musical history.
Genappe, Belgium

Abbaye de Villers

A magical and peaceful ruined Cistercian abbey in what is now southern Belgium.
Bruges, Belgium

The Lucifernum

This former Masonic lodge has been transformed into part museum, part bar, all awesome.
Borgloon, Belgium

Reading Between The Lines

Part modern art project, part traditional chapel, this see-through church is only substantial from the right angle.
Halle, Belgium

The Blue Forest

Each spring, a dreamlike carpet of bluebells overtakes the forest floor.
Brussels, Belgium

The Atomium

Climb inside an iron crystal magnified 165 billion times its normal size.
Brussels, Belgium

Royal Greenhouses of Laeken

Lavish royal estate punctuated with heated greenhouses.
Basel, Switzerland

Tinguely Fountain

This artistic fountain display pays homage to this area's theatrical history.
Basel, Switzerland

Museum Tinguely

An interactive exhibition space dedicated to the kinetic sculptures of Swiss artist Jean Tinguely.
Zurich, Switzerland

Pavillion Le Corbusier

Constructed along the shores of Lake Zurich, this pavilion is a walk-through work of art.
Sevelen, Switzerland

Alte Rheinbrücke (Old Rhine Bridge)

The oldest surviving wooden bridge over Rhine lets travelers cross easily from Switzerland to Liechtensten.
Geneva, Switzerland

La Tulipe

A rare, flower-shaped example of Brutalist architecture in Switzerland.
Zurich, Switzerland

Sukkulenten-Sammlung Zürich

See the rare bloom of the "Queen of the Night" cactus at one of the world's largest succulent collections.
Zurich, Switzerland


A 200-year-old tavern challenges guests to finish a glass of wine while hanging from a ceiling beam.
Lausanne, Switzerland

Collection de l'Art Brut

Artworks by loners, prisoners and the criminally insane.
Botyre (Ayent), Switzerland

The Bisses of Valais

Medieval irrigation channels built into the sides of mountains provided Valais with water for hundreds of years.