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In Amguel, Algeria

Amguid Crater

One of the best-preserved impact craters on the planet is located in the middle of the Sahara Desert.
Luanda, Angola

The Iron Palace

Did Gustav Eiffel design this enigmatic metal building?
Panguila, Angola

Cemitério de Navios (The Ship Cemetery)

Abandoned ships along a deserted beach feel like the set of a post-apocalyptic thriller.
Oran, Algeria

Sacred Heart Cathedral of Oran

This former cathedral is now a bustling library packed with students and pigeons.
Tamanrasset, Algeria


A century-old stone hermitage overlooks this remote pass in the Hoggar mountains, surrounded by a landscape of eroded volcanic cores.
Algiers, Algeria

Martyrs' Memorial

This massive monument towers over the city as a constant reminder of the lives lost during Algeria's hard-won war for independence.
Batna, Algeria


Classical ruins that remember ancient Rome's presence in Africa.
Constantine, Algeria

Sidi M'Cid Bridge

This dizzying span over the ancient Algerian city was once the highest suspension bridge in the world.
Tipaza, Algeria

Tipasa Roman Ruins

An extraordinary mix of Phoenician, Roman, early Christian, and Byzantine ruins beautifully set overlooking the Mediterranean.
Gaiman, Argentina

Parque el Desafío

A retiree's challenge to build an outdoor wonderland out of trash.
São Paulo, Brazil

Caos Bar & Antiguidades

Half curiosity cabinet, half late night hotspot, this Brazilian bar is helping turn a dangerous neighborhood around.
Azul, Argentina

Azul Cemetery Entrance

This colossal structure and its accompanying angel often play tricks on the eyes.
Buenos Aires, Argentina

Original Tomb of Tomás Guido

The humble tomb of an Argentine general, hand-built by his son using stones brought down from the Andes.
Tigre Partido, Argentina

Sarmiento House

The house of a former Argentinian president stands protected within a large glass case.
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Hans Klussmann Square

This sculpture garden creates a whimsical aura in an urban and wild environment.
São Paulo, Brazil

Memorial da Resistência de São Paulo (Memorial of the Resistance)

The building that once housed the dictator's secret police is now a museum that documents the history of an oppressive regime and those who fought against it.
Porto Alegre, Brazil

Vila Flores Association

A group of abandoned factories and buildings that have been revitalized and are now used to promote culture, education, entrepreneurialism, and sustainable development.
Recife, Brazil

'Monument Tortura Nunca Mais' ('Torture Never Again')

This haunting sculpture stands as a memorial to the torture victims of the Brazilian military dictatorship.
Salvador, Brazil

Elevador Lacerda

This public elevator links the lower city to the upper city of Salvador.
São Paulo, Brazil

Monumento Mãe Preta

This somber statue remembers the enslaved women who were forced to nurse their owners' babies.
Santos, Brazil

Leaning Towers of Santos

Something about this Brazilian city is slightly askew... literally.
Caleu Caleu Department, Argentina

Argentine Vintage Funeral Cadillacs

The clients of these mysterious hand-crafted funeral cars took their last ride in style.
Nono, Argentina

Rocsen Museum

One man's quest to collect artifacts from every aspect of human life has resulted in this eclectic Argentinian museum.
Deseado Department, Argentina

Jaramillo Petrified Forest

Conifers from the Jurassic Period transformed into stone in Patagonia.