megankass's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Sogamoso, Colombia

Vargas Swamp Lancers Memorial

Largest monument in Colombia depicts 14 lancers who drove back an army.
Hulun Buir, China

Matryoshka Square (Russian Taowa Square)

Hundreds of large Russian nesting dolls decorate this square, and the largest is a functioning hotel.
Beijing, China

Beijing Ancient Architecture Museum / Xiannongtan (Temple of Agriculture)

An ancient Chinese temple where even the emperor dressed like a farmer in the name of the harvest.
Bozhou, China

Bozhou Medicinal Herb Market

The largest traditional Chinese medicine market in the world sells ingredients that may make you squirm.
Kizilsu, China

Shipton's Arch (阿图什天门)

The world's largest natural arch was forgotten for over 50 years after its discovery.
Leticia, Colombia

Parque Santander

This small city park is best known for the nightly convergence of thousands of shrieking parakeets.
Medellín, Colombia

La Alpujarra Administrative Center

In the heart of Medellín, an artsy urban complex sets the stage for demonstrations and protests.
Olaya, Colombia

Puente de Occidente (Bridge of the West)

What was once the longest suspension bridge in Latin America was directly inspired by the iconic Brooklyn Bridge.
Medellín, Colombia

Parque de los Pies Descalzos (Barefoot Park)

This city park wants you to take your shoes off.
Bogotá, Colombia

Museo Botero

A celebration of Colombia’s premier contemporary artist.
Guatavita, Colombia

Guatavita la Nueva

The entire town looks like a slice of Spain that was carted across the ocean and plunked in the Andes.
Medellín, Colombia

Museo Casa de la Memoria (House of Memory Museum)

A museum of memories in what was once one of the most violent cities in the world.
Shijiazhuang, China

Jade Burial Suits

Stone shrouds of Prince Liu Sheng and Princess Dou Wan of the Han Dynasty, created to preserve their flesh for eternity.
Chongqing, China

Dazu Rock Carvings

Comprised of thousands of cave temple carvings this cornucopia of ancient Chinese stone art is unrivaled anywhere in the world.
Shangrao, China

The Giant Buddha of Guifeng

China's mysterious record-setting sleeping Buddha.
Zhangye Shi, China

Mati Si

Monks turned this mountain into a temple by digging grottoes, tunnels, and a huge pagoda-like hall.
Beijing, China

Mansudae Art Studio Gallery

North Korea's massive art and propaganda factory now has an official gallery space in Beijing.
Tianjin, China

Tianjin Eye

This massive neon wheel is the only one of its kind to be built over a bridge.
Shanghai, China

M50 Art District

This former textile district now is now a thriving center for contemporary Chinese art.
Enshi, China

Sidu River Bridge

This highest bridge in the world spans such a great chasm that it had to be established using rockets.
Alxa, China

Heicheng Ruins

Sited in an Inner Mongolian desert are the remnants of an important trade stop along the Silk Road.
Guiyang, China

Yelang Valley

It took an artist 20 years to create this sprawling sculpture garden honoring the area's ancient inhabitants.
Xining Shi, China

The Great Thangka

Stretching almost 2,000 feet, this painting is one of the longest pieces of Buddhist artwork in the world.
Shaoguan, China

Mount Danxia

Unique geological formations in China, featuring some suggestive shapes.