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Dubai, United Arab Emirates

Dubai Miracle Garden

Billed as the "largest natural flower garden in the world" this Middle Eastern show field has little competition at 45 million flowers.
Aden, Yemen

Tower of Silence

The remains of a Zoroastrian temple that bore witness to a time when Aden was a flourishing trading hub.
Tarim, Yemen

Minaret of Al-Muhdhar Mosque

The tallest minaret in Yemen is 150 feet high and entirely made of mud.
Jiblah, Yemen

Queen Arwa Mosque

One of Yemen’s oldest and most beautiful mosques was named for the incredible, historical queen buried inside it.
Sana'a, Yemen

Dar al-Hajar

Yemen's "Stone Palace" looks like it was carved right out of the tall stone column on which it is built.
Zabid, Yemen

Brick Buildings of Zabid

Elaborate patterns adorn the city's disappearing traditional architecture.
Aden, Yemen

Cisterns of Tawila

This impressive system of tanks was used to store drinking water as long as 2,000 years ago.

Hababah Water Cistern

A mesmerizing reservoir nestled at the heart of a pre-Islamic Yemeni village.

Socotra Island

The most alien-looking place on Earth.
Hama, Syria

Norias of Hama

Only a handful of these gorgeous historic waterwheels remain but even those are in danger from local unrest.
Al Qardahah, Syria

Tomb of Hafez al-Assad

Three members of Syria's ruling family entombed in quiet mountain town.
Set Zaynab, Syria

Sayyidah Zaynab Mosque

This ornate mosque is said to hold the remains of Muhammad's granddaughter beneath its dome of pure gold.
Aleppo, Syria

The Citadel of Aleppo

One of the oldest and largest castles in the world.
Safita, Syria

Krak des Chevaliers

Ruins of the Crusaders' headquarters.
Al-Ahsa, Saudi Arabia

The Judah Thumb

In the middle of a barren desert, a massive, solitary rocky thumb juts out.
Saudi Arabia

The Edge of the World

These towering cliffs jut dramatically from the middle of a barren desert.
Bidah Valley, Saudi Arabia

Thee Ain Ancient Village

Village of slate houses, built on a white marble outcrop.
Hegra, Saudi Arabia

Hegra Archaeological Site

More than 100 monumental tombs carved into rock are preserved at this ancient Nabataean site in the Arabian Desert.
Hegra, Saudi Arabia

Qasr al-Farid

An unfinished tomb carved into a giant boulder in the Arabian Desert.
Bournemouth, England

Memento Mori Oddities Shop

A genuine Little Shop of Horrors.
London, England

Still Life

Hackney's newest private museum and natural curiosity shop.
London, England


A traditional American farmhouse plopped in the middle of a Piccadilly courtyard.
North Yorkshire, England

Red Telephone Box Graveyard

The ghosts of Britain's telecommunication past sit rusting away in a small village in England.
London, England

Museum of London Docklands

A museum that chronicles the interesting and often dark history of the London docklands, once one of the major trading ports of the world.