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Aguascalientes, Mexico

Templo de San Antonio

This ornate church designed by a self-taught architect is an eclectic masterpiece in the heart of Central Mexico.
Mexico City, Mexico

Flowers & Gardens Spring Festival

Mexico City decorates its facades with extravagant floral arrangements every year.
San Juan Teotihuacan de Arista, Mexico

Mural of the Great Goddess

A striking depiction of Teotihuacan's mysterious "Spider Woman."
Mexico City, Mexico

National Center for the Arts (CENART)

This architectural wonder of Mexico City houses several art schools and national research centers.
Mexico City, Mexico

Monoliths of the Templo Mayor

This museum houses two of Mexico's most impressive Aztec monoliths.
San Miguel de Allende, Mexico

The Chapel of Jimmy Ray

An artist's suburban abode looks like an architectural fever dream.
Zihuatanejo, Mexico

The Parthenon of El Negro

A notoriously corrupt Chief of Police's deteriorating Greek-themed playhouse.
Oaxaca, Mexico

Rufino Tamayo Museum of Pre-Hispanic Art

An incredible collection of Mesoamerican art assembled by one of Mexico's great artists.
Dolores Hidalgo, Mexico

Mausoleum of José Alfredo Jiménez

A tomb in the shape of a traditional Mexican hat and shawl for the father of modern rancheras.
Isla Mujeres, Mexico

Isla Mujeres Sea-View Cemetery

An island graveyard with spectacular views of the Caribbean.
Bonampak, Mexico

Murals of Bonampak

Three small rooms in the jungle house the most elaborate and intact murals of the Mayan world.
Puebla, Mexico

Amparo Museum

This beautiful and unmissable little museum is full of fascinating artifacts from Mesoamerica's great civilizations.
Guadalajara, Mexico

Panteón de Belen (Santa Paula Cemetery)

This historic cemetery built for victims of the epidemics that swept Guadalajara is shrouded in macabre tales.
Oaxaca, Mexico

Panteón General (General Cemetery)

This graveyard boasts a medley of diverse and imaginative funeral architecture.
Mexico City, Mexico

Museo del Calzado (Footwear Museum)

This covert museum showcases booties worn by a rescue dog and slippers owned by Queen Elizabeth II.
Mexico City, Mexico

Museo Universitario del Chopo (Chopo University Museum)

This industrial Art Nouveau gem is a historic hotspot for Mexican counterculture.
Malinalco, Mexico

House of the Eagles

The ruins of a former sanctuary for elite Aztec warriors.
Cacahuamilpa, Mexico

Grutas de Cacahuamilpa

One of the world’s largest cave systems houses legends, concerts, and wondrous rock formations alike.
Mexico City, Mexico

Ottoman Clock

This clock was gifted to Mexico as a show of gratitude for its long history of welcoming Arab migrants.
Mexico City, Mexico

Coatlicue Statue

Come face to face with the ferocious visage of the serpent-headed mother goddess of the Aztecs.
Mexico City, Mexico

Plaza Santos Degollado

A grand entrance to one of the world's smallest Chinatowns.
Mexico City, Mexico

Ocelotl Cuauhxicalli

This colossal ancient jaguar sculpture was used as a vessel for the hearts torn from sacrificial victims.
Mexico City, Mexico

Garden Santa Fe

The underground mall's skylights look like they could be part of a spaceship.
Mexico City, Mexico

Mosaic Votive Skull

The turquoise-studded skull of a long-dead Aztec man sits within Mexico City’s Museum of Anthropology.