miramarco's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Places visited in Niš, Serbia
Places visited in Postojna, Slovenia
Places visited in Kruševac, Serbia
Places added to Milan, Italy
Places edited in Utrecht, Netherlands
Places added to Utrecht, Netherlands
Places visited in Brunswick, Germany
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Cropani, Italy

Bosco Magnano Waterfall

The pristine waters crossing this forest form a hidden waterfall among the dense vegetation.
Formia, Italy

Eremo di San Michele Arcangelo (Hermitage of Saint Michael the Archangel)

Hidden in a high mountain cave, this hermitage dates back to the ninth century.
Saint-Jean-Cap-Ferrat, France

Villa Ephrussi de Rothschild

A place to see how French aristocrats lived in the early 1900s.
Rotterdam, Netherlands

Schaakstukkenmuseum (The Chessmen Museum)

This small museum located under the famous cube houses, is home to some 30,000 chess pieces.
Montreal, Québec

Charlevoix Stained Glass Windows

A swirling spectrum of stained glass dazzles visitors who enter this subway station.
Rhodes, Greece

Bee Museum of Rhodes

Learn about the sweet, storied legacy of beekeeping in ancient Greece.
Odessa, Ukraine

Potemkin Stairs

Featured in one of the most iconic scenes in cinema history.
Pastrana, Spain

Parroquia de Nuestra Señora de la Asunción (Collegiate Church of Pastrana) Crypt

To fit bodies into this Renaissance crypt, they were first left to decompose in the crypt's rotting room.
Rovigo, Italy

Towers of Rovigo

All that is left of this medieval castle is two towers, both of which now display a visible tilt.
London, England

The Fan Museum

This museum is dedicated solely to this millennia-old handheld cooling device.
Montreal, Québec

‘La Leçon’ (‘The Lesson’)

Immortalized in bronze, this frazzled student will be glued to his screen for centuries.
Carthage, Tunisia

Dar El Annabi

This museum in the famously blue neighborhood of Sidi Bou Saïd showcases a traditional Tunisian lifestyle.
Castel Sant'Elia, Italy

Basilica di Sant'Elia

Magnificent frescoes decorate the interior of this Romanesque church, which also showcases an unusual phenomenon during winter solstice.
Bussi Sul Tirino, Italy

Church of Santa Maria di Cartignano

The ruins of this once gorgeous medieval church are still standing, despite the region's constant flooding.
Berlin, Germany

Bahnhof Berlin Zoologischer Garten

Metro station with a claim to rock n' roll fame.
Naples, Italy

Porta Nolana

This medieval city gate is now a blend of the past and the modern world.
Sermoneta, Italy

Abbazia di Valvisciolo (Valvisciolo Abbey)

Knights Templar are visible inside this stunning Cistercian abbey.
Modena, Italy

Modena Archivolt

One of the earliest depictions of an Arthurian scene that is shrouded in mystery.
San Severino, Italy

San Severino di Centola

This medieval hilltop village was abandoned at the end of the 19th century, after existing for more than 500 years.
Tours, France

Musee du Compagnonnage

This museum preserves over-the-top masterpieces that once qualified artisans for membership into a medieval guild.
London, England

Aldwych Tube Station

This Underground station has been a popular filming location for decades, even before it closed.
Segovia, Spain

Alcázar de Segovia

This magnificent castle grew from a small Moorish fortress, and reportedly inspired two iconic Disney castles.
Castel Sant'Elia, Italy

Pontificio Santuario Maria SS "ad Rupes" (Pontifical Sanctuary of Maria SS. ad Rupes)

A monk spent 14 years carving steps through tuff to make this religious site more accessible to pilgrims.
Caprarola, Italy

Pozzo del Diavolo (Devil's Well)

Was this cave created by Hercules's wrath, the devil, or volcanic activity?