Nerdabella's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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San Francisco, California

San Francisco Columbarium

The restored and active Victorian-era final resting place of San Francisco.
San Francisco, California

Golden Gate Park Lawn Bowling Club

The oldest lawn bowling club in the United States.
San Francisco, California

Janis Joplin Tree

A famous alternative culture epicenter and where Joplin serenaded young hippies.
San Francisco, California

Swedenborgian Church

The rustic cabin-like decor of this Arts and Crafts-style church reflects the love of nature central to its little-known theology.
San Francisco, California

McElroy Octagon House

One of few lasting examples of the brief octagon craze that developed into folly.
San Francisco, California

Uncle John's Tree at McLaren Lodge

San Francisco’s century-old Christmas Tree.
San Francisco, California

Bourn Mansion

A brooding mansion of clinker brick stands out among the Victorian houses of Pacific Heights.
San Francisco, California

Corporate Goddess Sculptures

Faceless white figures loom over the city from the rooftop.
San Francisco, California

Admission Day Monument Octopuses

A pair of mutilated bronze octopuses slump at the base of the monument honoring California's admission to the U.S.
San Francisco, California

The 'Full House' House

This private residence was the template for one of the most beloved television homes of all time.
San Francisco, California

Spreckels Mansion

27-room home built with the fortune of a sugar magnate.
San Francisco, California

Lotta's Fountain

San Francisco's oldest surviving monument and meeting place for 1906 survivors.
San Francisco, California

Leroy King Carousel

A still functioning vaudeville carousel that has operated for over a century boasts a colorful menagerie and past.
San Francisco, California

Bourbon & Branch

A nondescript building that's been functioning as a speakeasy for nearly a century and a half.
San Francisco, California

Loved to Death

This shop specializes in oddities and Victorian-inspired wonders.
San Francisco, California

Portrait of Emperor Norton

A mysterious painting of the self-declared Emperor of the United States watches over a local hof-brau.
San Francisco, California

Cathedral of Saint Mary of the Assumption

The neighborhood church casts a breast-shaped shadow that locals have come to call the “two o’clock titty.”
San Francisco, California

Dangling Legs at the Piedmont Boutique

The giant pair of sexy legs sticking out the window of this costume store have become its main draw.
San Francisco, California


Furniture tries to escape an abandoned building in San Francisco.
San Francisco, California

Esmeralda Slide Park

A pair of slides and a tree-lined stair corridor have been an urban oasis for nearly 40 years.
San Francisco, California

Buena Vista Park Tombstones

Gold Rush-era tombstones line the park's paths.
San Francisco, California

1908 Cistern Circles

These subterranean storage areas hold emergency water reserves.
San Francisco, California

Seward Street Slides

Bring your own cardboard to the slippery slopes of concrete hidden in a neighborhood park.
San Francisco, California

Balmy Alley Murals

Since 1973, this block has been home to the most concentrated collection of murals in San Francisco.