norielle's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Places visited in Carthage, Tunisia
Places visited in Demre, Turkey
Places visited in Simferopol, Crimea
Places visited in Russia
Places visited in Tula, Russia
Places visited in Crimea
Places visited in Murmansk, Russia
Places visited in Solovetskiy, Russia
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Havana, Cuba

Hotel Nacional de Cuba

Once a favorite playground for the world's most illustrious guests, Hotel Nacional's secret weapons and bunkers reveal a more menacing side to its golden history.
Havana, Cuba

Colón Cemetery

In terms of history and architecture, this is one of the most remarkable cemeteries in the world.
Buenos Aires, Argentina

Cementerio de la Recoleta

Buenos Aires' city of the dead contains some very famous remains, including Eva Perón.
Trinidad, Cuba

The Manaca Iznaga Tower

An old slave lookout in Cuba's historic sugar cane fields.
Havana, Cuba

La Plaza de la Revolución

A focal point of the Cuban government, this city square features one of the most iconic images in the country.
Tarragona, Spain

Pont del Diable

Stunning Roman aqueduct used for 1900 years and still standing.
Segovia, Spain

Segovia Aqueduct

One of the few remaining ancient aqueducts described by Frontinus as 'the most solemn testimony of the Empire.'
Cuenca, Spain

Hanging Houses of Cuenca

Cliffside houses provide a spectacular view from their perch above the valley.
Monaco, Monaco

Oceanographic Museum

Museum celebrating the ocean, with the largest wunderkammer dedicated to sea exploration.
Carnac, France

Carnac Stones

Hundreds of prehistoric stones, arranged in perfect lines in a French field.
Mont Saint-Michel, France

Mont Saint-Michel

This 1,300 year old monastery built atop a single rock was once only accessible depending on the whims of the tide.
Chartres, France

Labyrinth at Chartres Cathedral

The famous winding walk at Chartres is surrounded in mystery and myth.
Chartres, France

La Maison Picassiette

A mosaic-tiled house built by graveyard sweeper Raymond Isidore.
Paris, France

The Stravinsky Fountain

A series of abstract, silly sculptures represent the works of a great modern classical composer.
Paris, France

Pont de la Concorde

This bridge was constructed from the rubble of the infamous Bastille.
Paris, France

Flame of Liberty

This life-size replica of the Statue of Liberty's flame is also a tribute to Princess Diana by default.
Amiens, France

The Head of St. John the Baptist at Amiens Cathedral

The encased skull that is widely believed to belong to St. John the Baptist.
Colleville-sur-Mer, France

Normandy American Cemetery and Memorial

A memorial to the nearly 10,000 American soldiers laid to rest on the beaches of Normandy during WWII.
Paris, France

Centre Pompidou

An "inside out" building in the historical center of Paris, featuring Europe’s largest modern art museum.
Le Roeulx, Belgium

Strépy-Thieu Boat Lift

The world's tallest boat lift stands as a massive piece of industrial tourism.
Antwerp, Belgium

Plantin-Moretus Museum of Printing

Most prolific publishing house in the 1600s open to the public.
Kinderdijk, Netherlands

Windmills of Kinderdijk

Birthplace of the "Cat in the Cradle" and a cluster of iconic, original windmills that let the Dutch tame the seas.
Amsterdam, Netherlands


This city square is home to Amsterdam's oldest church and a statue honoring Dutch sex workers.
Amsterdam, Netherlands

The Hash, Marijuana and Hemp Museum

The history and future of cannabis.