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Arlington, Virginia

Abner Doubleday Gravesite

Though his role as the inventor of baseball may be up for debate, fans still festoon Doubleday's grave with baseballs.
Arlington, Virginia

Dawson-Bailey Spring Site

This site is believed to be connected to the oldest house in Arlington County.
Arlington, Virginia

Mary Randolph Gravesite

Recorded as the first person buried in Arlington Cemetery.
Arlington, Virginia

Hall's Hill Wall

Remnants of a wall built to separate Black residents of Hall's Hill from a newly built subdivision are a grim reminder of segregation in 20th-century Virginia.
Arlington, Virginia

Lockerbie Memorial Cairn

A gift from Scotland to the United States in memory of the 270 lives lost when Pan Am Flight 103 exploded over Lockerbie due to a terrorist bombing.
Arlington, Virginia

McKee Grave

In what is rumored to be an intentional act of spite, this memorial almost completely obscures the nearby grave of a senior officer.
Arlington, Virginia

Brandymore Castle

This "castle" is actually a limestone and quartz formation hidden along a trail.
Alexandria, Virginia

Cloud's Mill Race

This millstone-topped marker details the history of a mill that served as a landmark for both Union and Confederate soldiers during the American Civil War.
Alexandria, Virginia

George Washington Memorial Tree

In 1932, Americans honored their first president's 200th birthday by planting trees.
Alexandria, Virginia

Jackson M. Abbott Wetland Refuge

Dedicated to a U.S. Army lieutenant colonel who was also a bird watcher and artist.
Alexandria, Virginia

Captain Rocky Versace Plaza and Vietnam Veterans' Memorial

A small and somewhat hidden memorial to 68 local veterans of the Vietnam War.
Alexandria, Virginia

Judy Lowe Neighborhood Park Labyrinth

The only labyrinth within the city of Alexandria.
Alexandria, Virginia

Lieutenant General William C. Gribble Jr. Memorial

This marker at the entrance to the Humphreys Engineer Center honors the former Chief of the Army Corps of Engineers.
Alexandria, Virginia

First Lot Sold At Auction Marker

This small pedestal marks the spot of the first lot of land sold in Alexandria, Virginia in 1749.
Alexandria, Virginia

Olander Banks Sr. and Margaret Lomax Banks Community Park

Home to a 27 room house, this estate was crafted by Black entrepreneur Olander Banks Sr.
Alexandria, Virginia

'The Pharmacist'

This pharmacist and his patient greet visitors to the National Community Pharmacists Association.
Alexandria, Virginia

Braddock Road Cannon

This cannon dating to 1755 has stood guard at this suburban intersection since 1915.
Alexandria, Virginia

Fort Ward Park

Built to defend Washington D.C. during the Civil War, this fort became a post-war nucleus for a thriving Black community.
Alexandria, Virginia

Lamond House

Hidden in the forest atop a long, winding driveway is this stately home.
Alexandria, Virginia

Carlyle House Historic Park

A superbly preserved example of Georgian residential architecture that was once home to one of the founders of Alexandria, Virginia.
Alexandria, Virginia

Historic Huntley Plantation

The former home of Thomson Francis Mason, the mayor of Alexandria from 1827-1830.
Alexandria, Virginia

Stone Mansion

Originally dubbed "Retirement" by the Navy Commodore who built it in 1780, this beautiful mansion is now the centerpiece of a suburban community park.
Alexandria, Virginia

Laurel Grove School Museum

The only remaining African American schoolhouse in northern Virginia is now a museum dedicated to formerly enslaved people.
Alexandria, Virginia

The Elk of Prince Street

A massive, majestic mammal watches over pedestrians from his perch atop a former B.P.O.E. lodge.