Petra Jan's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Places visited in Bled, Slovenia
Places visited in Sigtuna, Sweden
Places visited in Hökåsen-Badelunda, Sweden
Places added to Slovenia
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Vågsøy, Norway

Kannesteinen Rock

Thousands of years of crashing waves gave this mushroom-shaped rock its svelte figure.
Nordkapp, Norway

North Cape

At the very tippity-top of Europe is a cliff from which you can view the midnight sun.
Oslo, Norway

Forest of the Future Library

One thousand trees were planted in Norway to be used to print books a century from now.
Luster, Norway

Nigardsbreen Ice Cave

A stunning silver lining to global warming's gloomy cloud.
Røst, Norway

Lofoten Islands

The convergence of two currents makes this a surprisingly pleasant getaway in the Arctic Circle.
Forsand, Norway


This giant boulder is pinched over a 1000-meter abyss by two mountains.
Gävle, Sweden

Where All Powerlines Meet

Only spot in the world where an HVDC powerline, a single phase AC and a three phase AC powerline all meet.
Nordingrå, Sweden

Silverpilen (Silver Arrow)

Stockholm's famed ghost train is now on display at an art park in northern Sweden.
Skellefteå, Sweden

Västerbottensost Visitors Center

This little gallery is devoted to one small town's passion for a very special cheese.
Växjö, Sweden

Växjö Echo Tower

The dome-shaped reservoir of this old water tower produces unique acoustic effects.
Viken, Sweden

MidSweden 365

A former top secret military tunnel is now stuffed with snow and open year-round to skiers.
Uppsala, Sweden

'Thing of all Swedes' Mound

The official meeting point for the oddly named governing assembly of ancient Sweden.
Linköping, Sweden

The First Pirate Bay Server

From under the bed of one of the co-founders, this server helped launch the notorious file-sharing website.
Gnisvärd, Sweden

Gnisvärd Stone Ships

Ancient stone graves shaped like ships provided a Viking-like burial to carry the dead to the afterlife.
Stockholm, Sweden

Entombed Cross

This giant crucifix is like U2's Joshua Tree for Swedish death metal fans.
Åkraberg, Sweden

Borrås Skåra

Walking through this narrow gorge will make you feel like you've fallen into a fairytale landscape.
Gothenburg, Sweden

Ragnhildsholmen Castle Ruin

This castle ruin in the middle of nowhere is a gem for wildlife enthusiasts.
Årjäng SV, Sweden

Båstnäs Car Cemetery

This Swedish automobile graveyard is a beautiful gallery of decay, but woe be to any who would steal a souvenir.
Varberg, Sweden

Bexell's Talking Stones

Hundreds of mossy stones engraved with bits of philosophy, literature and random musings.
Tingsryd SV, Sweden

Kyrkö Car Cemetery

A peat bog in southern Sweden provides a cozy and photogenic home for junked Volvos, Saabs, and the occasional American muscle car.