pfish16's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Places visited in Dearborn, Michigan
Places visited in Canton, Ohio
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Martinsburg, West Virginia

National Tracing Center

Endless rows of boxes of paper records line the hallways of the archaic federal facility where guns are traced.
Washington, D.C.

Missing Capitol Building Cornerstone

A promising candidate for the lost rock laid by George Washington was unearthed, but the hunt is still on.
Washington, D.C.

Capitol Tile Room

In the basement of the U.S. Capitol Building is a hidden storage room full of ornate floor tiles leftover from the 1850s.
San Francisco, California

The Wreck of the King Philip

This partially buried wreck is one of the most complete of its kind but is only revealed when the sea allows.
San Francisco, California

Last Known Carville House

The sole surviving relic of the San Francisco neighborhood cobbled together from old horsecars and streetcars.
Washington, D.C.

Capitol Building Tunnel System

Members of Congress have traveled between the buildings on Capitol Hill for a century hidden from tourists, press, and storm clouds.

Anatori Burial Vaults

Legend says these stone structures are where the doomed citizens of a vanished village sent themselves to die.
Paju, South Korea

Korean Axe Murder Incident Memorial

A monument to the two U.S. officers killed by North Korean troops while trying to trim a poplar tree.
Paju, South Korea

Bridge of No Return

The site of many tense prisoner exchanges across the Military Demarcation Line between North and South Korea.
Tashanta, Russia


The last stop in southeast Russia.
Nicosia, Cyprus

Phaneromenis 70

A unique art center and shop just below a United Nations Checkpoint in central Nicosia.
Nicosia, Cyprus

Cyprus Buffer Zone

This no man's land slicing through the island is strewn with abandoned relics of another time.
Egkomi, Cyprus

Nicosia International Airport

This former Cyprus flight hub is now a crumbling, abandoned ghost complex.
Rujm el-Hiri, Golan

Rujm el-Hiri

Tens of thousands of rocks make up what is thought to be a giant star calendar.
Merom Golan, Golan

Habokrim Restaurant

Saddle up to Israel's only cowboy-themed bar for a hearty (and kosher) steak.
Acre, Israel

Or Torah Synagogue

This synagogue is covered in beautiful mosaics that explore the history of the Jewish people.
Ein Gedi, Israel

Dead Sea Sinkholes

As the Dead Sea continues to deplete, massive sinkholes open along its banks.
Ramallah, West Bank

Nöl Collective

The feminist fashion collective centering Palestinian craftsmanship and radical transparency.
Jerusalem, Israel

Saba's Little Museum

Through a collection of modern bric-a-brac this museum tells the story of the Jewish people from Biblical times to today.
Jerusalem, Israel

President's Room

On holy holidays, Israel's second president used this room atop Mount Zion as a refuge to read the Torah.
Tisá, Czechia

Tiské Stěny

Towering sandstone rock formations where 'The Chronicles of Narnia' was filmed.
Wilderness, South Africa

Map of Africa

A beautiful viewpoint on the Garden Route overlooking a naturally-occurring outline of Africa.
Costa Rica

Diquís Spheres

These mysterious ancient stone spheres were created by a civilization lost to time and are now mostly lawn ornaments.
Ottosdal, South Africa

Klerksdorp Spheres

Tiny pyrophyllite spheres from 3 billion years ago.