Rin Wolfe's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Places edited in Vienna, Virginia
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Pripyat, Ukraine

Pripyat Amusement Park

This attraction was abandoned after the Chernobyl disaster.
Klevan, Ukraine

Tunnel of Love

This beautiful natural train tunnel is said to grant the wishes of visiting lovebirds.
Pripyat, Ukraine

Abandoned City of Pripyat

The ghost town left by the worst nuclear disaster of all time is being taken over by nature and urban explorers.
Bern, Switzerland

Museum of Communication

Video games, body language, and postal history are all on display in this Swiss museum.
Schattenhalb, Switzerland

The Reichenbach Falls

The alpine falls where Sherlock Holmes apparently met his demise can actually be visited.
Geneva, Switzerland


Large Hadron Collider and the Birthplace of World Wide Web.
Beatenberg, Switzerland

St. Beatus Cave

Caves famous for the dragon-slaying saint who lived there.
Ennetbürgen, Switzerland

Hammetschwand Elevator

The tallest outdoor elevator in Europe rockets passengers on a dizzyingly precarious ride to the top of a mountain.
Neuheim, Switzerland

Höllgrotten Caves

These spooky and unusual stone formations create an underworldly landscape.
Gruyères, Switzerland

H.R. Giger Museum

The bizarre visions of H.R. Giger, tucked away in a Swiss medieval city.
Växjö, Sweden

Växjö Echo Tower

The dome-shaped reservoir of this old water tower produces unique acoustic effects.
Linköping, Sweden

Winter Lights

For a couple of months each year this Swedish city turns into a festive neon phantasmagoria.
Linköping, Sweden

The First Pirate Bay Server

From under the bed of one of the co-founders, this server helped launch the notorious file-sharing website.
Stockholm, Sweden

Ytterby Mine

The single richest source of elemental discoveries in the world.
Ystad, Sweden

Ales Stenar

According to legend, this boat-shaped henge is built over the grave of a mythic king.
Malmö, Sweden

Turning Torso

Swedish skyscraper with a 90° twist.
Ödeshög, Sweden

Rök Rune Stone

This encrypted monolith protected a secret of Norse mythology by hiding in a church wall for over a millennium.
Malmö, Sweden

Øresund Bridge

This chimerical bridge/tunnel appears to dead end right into the sea.
Stockholm, Sweden

Stockholm Metro Art Gallery

Stockholm's decidedly unique public transit system has doubled as the world's longest art gallery for decades.
Malmö, Sweden

Talking Lamp

20-foot tall lamp mumbles Swedish to celebrate the holidays.


Largest island in the Baltic Sea experiences such idyllic weather that roses bloom in the middle of December.
Stockholm, Sweden

Colour by Numbers

This Stockholm light tower can be controlled by anyone with a smartphone.
Kiruna, Sweden


The world's first ice hotel is still one of the most elaborate and beautiful.
Stockholm, Sweden

Sweden Solar System

The world's largest model of our planetary system.