ritajunho2001's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Vienna, Austria

Naturhistorisches Museum

Beautiful Austrian natural history museum with carved ceilings and row after row of ancient taxidermy.
Vienna, Austria

Museum of Contraception and Abortion

This museum promotes informed contraception by documenting its often secret past.
Riegersburg, Austria

Riegersburg Castle

A centuries old castle atop a dormant volcano houses museums devoted to both women and witches.
Vienna, Austria

Schmetterlinghaus: The Imperial Butterfly Park

A tropical paradise just a short trip from the opera house is filled with beautiful winged creatures.
Graz, Austria


Resting in the middle of an Austrian river, this sci-fi "island" lets people cross in neon style.
Kutna Hora, Czechia

Saint Barbara's Church

An enormous and lavish Gothic church in Czechia.
Lidice, Czechia

The Lidice Children

The soulless eyes of 82 bronze children stare on forever in remembrance of a horrifying World War II massacre.
Prague, Czechia

The Thief's Arm at Kostel Sv. Jakuba Vetsiho

A 400-year-old mummified arm dangles from the ceiling of St. James the Greater, serving as a warning to thieves.
Prague, Czechia

London Booster

A bus with a butt and biceps to put Olympic athletes to shame.
Prague, Czechia

The Museum of Alchemists and Magicians of Old Prague

The history of occult science is turned into a creepshow at this lurid Prague tourist attraction.
Prague, Czechia

Jan Palach Memorial

Monument to a suicide protesting the Soviet invasion.
Prague, Czechia

Žižkov Tower

Looming communist pillar with a Czech twist.
Liberec, Czechia

Hotel Ještěd

This unusually shaped mountaintop tower looks like a UFO floating over the city.
Vilémovice, Czechia

Macocha Abyss

The deepest sinkhole in Central Europe comes with a grisly tale and an unusual nickname: “The Stepmother Abyss.”
Prague, Czechia


An Orwellian sculpture with eyeball cameras watches passersby.
Vysoký Újezd, Czechia

Velka Amerika

This former quarry is now a picturesque gorge that hides a sunken lake.
Turnov, Czechia

Český Ráj (Bohemian Paradise)

Bohemian paradise covered in majestic forests.
Prague, Czechia

Lennon Wall

Despite attempts by local police to discourage it, Beatles-inspired graffiti has been a means for artists to air grievances for decades.
Hřensko, Czechia

Pravčická brána (Pravčice Gate)

Europe's largest natural bridge has a 19th century royal chateau built into its side.
Prague, Czechia

Idiom Installation

A Jenga-style cylindrical tower of books that appears to go on forever.
Lisbon, Portugal

Rhinoceros of Belem Tower

A king's pet, a pope's gift, an artist's inspiration, and a tragic shipwreck.
Talaván, Spain

Hermitage of Santo Cristo

Disturbing winged beings decorate the walls of this strange abandoned hermitage.

Covão dos Conchos

This gaping hole in the middle of a remote mountain lake looks like a portal to another dimension.
Lisbon, Portugal

Preserved Head of Diogo Alves

An early Portuguese serial killer's head is alarmingly well preserved in a jar at the University of Lisbon.