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Places edited in Evanston, Illinois
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Istanbul, Turkey

Pera Palace Hotel

This historic hotel preserves many treasures from its heyday hosting passengers on the Orient Express.
Mantua, Italy

Dropped Triglyphs of Palazzo Te

An architectural oddity where the triglyphs of the courtyard of walls create an optical illusion.
Athens, Greece

Tower of the Winds

An ancient octagonal weather station named for the eight Greek gods of wind.
Arnavutköy, Turkey

Istanbul Airport Museum

This airport also offers travelers the chance to view thousands of years of Turkish history.
Istanbul, Turkey

Viking Runes at Hagia Sophia

A small etching on the white marble parapet was written in runic script by a Viking mercenary.
Baalbek, Lebanon

Baalbek Trilithon

The largest hewn stone in history.
Egkomi, Cyprus

Nicosia International Airport

This former Cyprus flight hub is now a crumbling, abandoned ghost complex.
Istanbul, Turkey

Hagia Sophia Wishing Column

Legend says if you stick your thumb in the hole and it gets wet, your wish will be granted.
Isfahan, Iran

Sheikh Lotfallah Mosque

17th century mosque for Shah Abbas' harem.
Fars Province, Iran

The Ruins of Persepolis

The palace of the King of Kings, burned by Alexander the Great.
Mantua, Italy

Palazzo Aldegatti's Cat

This decoration above a door, an unofficial family crest, is said to come alive during the night to try to get free of the stone.
Mantua, Italy

Villa La Favorita

The remains of the last Gonzaga villa, a luxurious palace built in spite of an economic crisis.
Vicenza, Italy

Torre Bissara

One of the tallest bell towers in Italy plays a particular melody at just two times each day.
Erice, Italy

Phoenician Walls of Erice

Tourists to the mountaintop Sicilian town often overlook its ancient fortifications.
Bassano del Grappa, Italy

Ponte degli Alpini

Destroyed numerous times, this centuries-old bridge has always been rebuilt with its original design.
Viterbo, Italy

The Incorrupt Body of Santa Rosa

The leathery remains of a woman who died in the 13th century now lie in a church named for her.
Palermo, Italy

Porta Nuova

This triumphal 16th-century arched gateway leads to the oldest street in Palermo.
Lucca, Italy

Piazza dell'Anfiteatro

This bustling Italian plaza is built on the ruins of an ancient Roman amphitheater.
Palermo, Italy

La Zisa

This Arabesque Italian castle was built with a primitive, if ingenious, air-conditioning system.
Palermo, Italy

Cappella Palatina

Every inch of this chapel is covered in craftsmanship from across the world.
Venice, Italy

St. Mark's Lost Third Column

Two stone columns flank the grand Venice square, but there were supposed to be three.
Sirmione, Italy

Scaligero Castle

One of the most well-preserved castles in Italy also contains a rare medieval example of a port fortification.
Calatafimi, Italy

Temple of Segesta

This amazingly preserved Doric temple was abandoned before it was ever completed.
Athens, Greece

The Athenian Agora

This ancient Greek place of assembly and marketplace is being revealed layer by layer below the modern Athens cityscape.